Neocdgp2x ... Can Someone Please Help?

Troy the Great

Still Fresh
Oct 1, 2005
NeocdGp2x says It suppports Background music mp3's, but no sound efx. I have the mp3 music from my Neogeo cd games in the same folder as my games, but when I play the game I hear no music. How do I get the music to work for the games? Where do I put my mp3s?

I have my folder set up like this:

---savage reign (inside includes all the game files and the Music Mp3s)
---Blues Journey (inside includes all the game files and the Music Mp3s)

Thank you so much for your help.
Okay, not really much of help, but try GnGeo2x instead, there you get fullspeed with sound and afaik there are the same games as on CD (without loading time, btw...)