Neo Geo Roms That Work In Neoragex But Not In Gngeo


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Mar 5, 2008
South Africa
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Sorry if this is a repeat, if so I will close the thread.

I have a couple of ROMs that are compatible with NeoRAGEx 5.0 on Windows XP, but the same ROMs do not work with gngeo. They say they are bad dumps, or not compatible, or something to that extent. Is there a way to get these ROMs to work, or are the simply not able to be played on gngeo?
GnGeo2x is a very picky emulator. Some games will only work using certain ROM sets, and some even require to mix and match from different ROM sets to get it right. A lot of the ROM sets supported are basically not following a MAME version, and a couple are GnGeo specific.

The big problem is that the later games for the NeoGeo utilized encryption. GnGeo2x doesn't seem to have decryption support, so all the ROM files needs to be non-encrypted or be decrypted beforehand. Another reason is that a lot of the games also require graphic dumps to work, as they are too big for the GP2X to handle.

The easiest solution for this is to look for torrents for the GP2X that contains working ROM sets with graphic dumps for the GnGeo2x. If you can't or don't want to, then you can learn how to decrypt the C files and/or look for non-encrypted or decrypted files to use. You then need to look at the RC files to either match what was written inside or edit them to match your own ROM files, or you can experiment and create your own. If it's a large game, then you can now proceed to create a proper graphics dump. With these, you hopefully will have a working ROM set.

For more details on how to do them yourself, just search the forums, as there were threads and posts on this specifically.
Actually, the solution is easier than Manjuu says: NeoRageX roms do not work on Gngeo. They have differente naming, and Gngeo uses the same names that Mame.


- search and download Mame roms, not NeoRageX, or...
- unzip the NeoRageX rom, rename .bin files to .rom (or the other way, cannot remember) and rezip files. Do not change the name of the .zip file!

This is not a general solution: there are a few games with the problem that Manjuu describes. But for most of them is just a naming problem :)
juanvvc said:
Actually, the solution is easier than Manjuu says: NeoRageX roms do not work on Gngeo. They have differente naming, and Gngeo uses the same names that Mame.


- search and download Mame roms, not NeoRageX, or...
- unzip the NeoRageX rom, rename .bin files to .rom (or the other way, cannot remember) and rezip files. Do not change the name of the .zip file!

This is not a general solution: there are a few games with the problem that Manjuu describes. But for most of them is just a naming problem :)
Really? I didn't know that. I never tried NeoRageX though. :P

Well alternatively, you can also look at the RC files that are included in GnGeo2X to see what the filenames are for the ROM sets and files. :)

EDIT: Now that I think about it, you are right, the naming for the ROM sets and files are actually based on MAME. Most of the problems are indeed from incorrect naming. Although, a good portion of the games (most of the later ones) would need more work to get them to properly run.
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from what I know about games that don't work with gngeo2x:

overtop is a game that doesn't work in gngeo no matter what.

aero fighter 2/ sonic wings 2 sound doesn't work

later sidekicks games and neo turf master don't work right or any game that uses raster effects unless you use an older version of gngeo.
jbrodack said:
from what I know about games that don't work with gngeo2x:

overtop is a game that doesn't work in gngeo no matter what.

aero fighter 2/ sonic wings 2 sound doesn't work

later sidekicks games and neo turf master don't work right or any game that uses raster effects unless you use an older version of gngeo.
For Sidekicks, Neo Turf Masters and other games that use rasters, just use the gp2x version of Final Burn. As long as the games don't require graphics dumps they'll work great in FBA2X. As for certain "newer" games working on GNGeo, I have yet to get Metal Slug 3, KOF 2002, and I can't remember a couple others. For those games though, it's a issue with certain text not showing like the Insert Credits and stuff in Metal Slug 3. In Kof 2002 it's the same, plus the stat stuff doesn't show when you're fighting.
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