GP32 neo geo emulater/GCC

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First you need to download the defibulator, then you need to interface it to your chest plates, then set the defibulator to around 10,000V and activate it.

If that does not produce a neo-geo emulator keep doing it, its for the benefit of the scene, believe me.

In other words your not going to make a neogeo emu, just like you didn't make your megadrive emu.

Do you even own a GP32, how are you using it? You don't even have internet access at home (or so you claim in your crazy tales).
:D Ok I admire your spunk, almost all gp32 news sites contain a copy of everthing you need with advise and often tutorials, although I would advise strongly that you start a smaller project to start with. If you have any problems in setting these up, just ask again. I wouldn't worry about the "experts" in here ;) some have only just learned how to adjust the clock speed on there gp32, good luck.
He's a traitor GET HIM!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I dont think this guy knows what he did.

I feel sorry for the korean poeple as they might get news of this and they wont know he was a @#$%^ @#@#$% @$#$%^##%

i think that says it all :D

Hey Hey guys, we should forgive and forget..... Forgive the guy, then ban him, then we can all forget about him and go on with our lives in the hopes that we will have a megadrive emulator soon.
OMFG I dont believe this shit IM NOT NATHAN CRAIG YOUR A FU***** QUE**, IM SICK OF THIS SHIT, look how about this craig take that same defibulator and set it to 10,000V a shock some FUC**** SENSE INTO YOUR BRAIN AND THEN YOU MIGHT REALIZE IM NOT _COUNTER!!!!!!

EDIT:i had to edit it
Oh soooo many spelling mistakes he must of edit

We should do what Lord Namsu says.

Forgive then ban him then forget muahahahahhah :lol:

Do you know what i think he is gonna try to code so he can make a fake emu where the start screen of the genesis emu works but thats it (its really just a image) and then says its not his fault your gp32s are crap :P

I for1 say BAN DA MAN.....boy i mean lol :lol:

we dont need this lil @#$% trying to get the comunity rowled up even if he is telling the truth. (which is very hard to believe) no1 would miss him anyway he hasn't made anything for the gp32 community or posted anything positive either.

He's making a Neo Geo emulater *snickers* when he can't even make a damn tetris clone :lol: :lol: :lol:

Making false emulater claims on gp32? 50cents
relizing that every1 knows how much of a dumbass he is? PRICELESS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ^_^

I am pleased to announce I have almost completed a full speed genesis "emulater"


I will only release this to people sharing the computer in _counters lobby
look posted on Aug 13 2003 said:
I am pleased to announce I have almost completed a full speed genesis "emulater"


I will only release this to people sharing the computer in _counters lobby
omg u r so great i <3 genesis they r the best i hope u & _counter releaze it s00n d00d!

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I followed your site's link, and on the site, the very first news post says "It is impossible to make a Neo Geo emulator for the GP32..."

Why do you insist on adding "neo geo emulator" to topics if your own coding partner has already informed you that it is impossible? All it does is incite people to flame you because of your sorrid history on this message board.

Like your website says, porting games is very possible (compared to a neo geo emulator). IcemanGP already has projects like King of Fighters and Metal Slug.
Did u relize that all these people just magically apeared to help him

People helping him out:
Impossible devers inc
Nick C.(BIN expert)
Nick H.( The boss with the
nasty skills In everything)
John(me im doing all the easy stuff)

Oh and this:
we had started on metal slug 2 and so far so good its about 30% done mostly

damn that was fast 30% done in a few days when no1 was helping him owwwwwwwww :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

as you can see simple things for simple minds ^_^

The cat is out of the bag we all know that you arn't really working on a genesis or neo-geo emulator nor are you porting a game that you don't have the source code for. Take some satisfaction in the little bit of attention that you have already been given and let it go. If you want to gain some respect from the gp32 scene then acctually create somthing that can be of use like a simple gp32 calculator or a website or somthing. No one ever said you had to have a ton of talent to contribute to the scene and its better to do nothing at all than to brag about doing somthing that you arn't
yeah, i agree. He should give it up. Maybe if u really have a gp32 u should come out in the open and just say sorry for bullsh*ttin everyone. Then maybe people mite start to take some of ur posts seriously.
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