GP32 Need Help!


Still Fresh
Feb 10, 2004
I'm a new developer and I use C++.I don't know anithing of coding,so i was trying the tutorials.But when I try to compile them,there's an error and it doesn't work!Maybe it's only a littl thing that I forgot to do,but Help Me!!
(The tutorial was Hello World)

how do ya mess up hello world
o well ;)
i think ya should just go back and go through line by line and make sure everything is right, and get used to it, thats what you will be doing later

Now come on BillyCoen, we're helpful around here but we're not mind-readers! How are we supposed to know how to help when you've given us no information?

Try again, and this time include every piece of information whether you think it's important or not. For example:
  • 1) What operating system are you using? Which version?
    2) What compiler are you using? Minigp32? devkitadv?
    3) What SDK are you using? the gamepark one? Mr. Mirko's?
    4) What is the error that is reported?
That's just for a start. Always remember, too much information is better than too little!
There are one million ways to fuck up hello world on a device/sdk not capable of stdout... Anyway, I can't find my crystal ball, so why don't you give us the EXACT error message, Billy?
well, what kind of problem is it?
i assume (i know i know, one should never assume) you're talking about a gp32 tutorial, right?
have you tried compiling the code that's in the tutorial? does it work? if it doesn't i guess your compiler config or makefile (or whatever else there is, I don't know too much about that cause mine works and I didn't set it up myself ;-) , in that case I can't help you) is somehow messed up.
If it does, then your code is somehow messed up and you should get a nice little error description.
if it's a code problem it would be best if you posted your code here so someone here can help you in correcting it
Minigp32,devkitadv...What Are those Things?I don't have them!!Maybe it's That the cause?Where I can get them and In which way I must to use them?

minigp32 and devkitadv are SDKs (Software Development Kit) for the GP32 which let u use the gp_ Functions that you probably have used in the tutorial like in synkro's tutorial the gp_SetFont8() method.
This is a function that u can only use if your compiler knows how it works which is only the case if you have MrMirkos SDK.
Try MrMirko's gp32 site there you can download the SDK or the whole kit with the gcc compiler.
OK BillyCoen, it's time for you to help yourself. Go out into the big wide internet and find out what a development environment is, and what a sdk is, and what minigp32 is, and what devkitadv is. The information is all out there, I'm not repeating it here.

And then, like I said before, tell us what you have done, and what errors you saw. You have not given enough information for us to have any idea what your problem is, so how can anybody help you?