GP32 Need help compiling Quake


YOUR AUSSIE GP32 GURU!!!!!!!!&#3
May 30, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
I am trying to compile quake for the gp32 to try something but when i type make in dos i get the error:

makefile:136: Makedepend: No such file or directory
gcc -g -Ic:/gp32/include -I. -I./.. -I./../WinQuake -O3 -D_GP32 -mtune=arm920 -W
uninitialized -Wno-import -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat -Wimplicit-int -Wimplicit-f
unction-declaration -Wmultichar -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wunused -Wuninitialized
-Wsign-compare -M gpstart.c cd_gp32.c in_gp32.c vid_gp32.c snd_gp32.c snd_dma_gp
32.c net_gp32.c net_gp32s.c sys_gp32.c cached.c ./../WinQuake/chase.c ./../WinQu
ake/cl_demo.c ./../WinQuake/cl_input.c ./../WinQuake/cl_main.c ./../WinQuake/cl_
parse.c ./../WinQuake/cl_tent.c ./../WinQuake/cmd.c ./../WinQuake/common.c ./../
WinQuake/console.c ./../WinQuake/crc.c ./../WinQuake/cvar.c ./../WinQuake/d_edge
.c ./../WinQuake/d_fill.c ./../WinQuake/d_init.c ./../WinQuake/d_modech.c ./../W
inQuake/d_part.c ./../WinQuake/d_polyse.c ./../WinQuake/d_scan.c ./../WinQuake/d
_sky.c ./../WinQuake/d_sprite.c ./../WinQuake/d_surf.c ./../WinQuake/d_vars.c ./
../WinQuake/d_zpoint.c ./../WinQuake/draw.c ./../WinQuake/FixedPointMath.c ./../
WinQuake/host.c ./../WinQuake/host_cmd.c ./../WinQuake/keys.c ./../WinQuake/math
lib.c ./../WinQuake/menu.c ./../WinQuake/model.c ./../WinQuake/net_dgrm.c ./../W
inQuake/net_loop.c ./../WinQuake/net_main.c ./../WinQuake/net_vcr.c ./../WinQuak
e/nonintel.c ./../WinQuake/pr_cmds.c ./../WinQuake/pr_edict.c ./../WinQuake/pr_e
xec.c ./../WinQuake/r_aclip.c ./../WinQuake/r_alias.c ./../WinQuake/r_bsp.c ./..
/WinQuake/r_draw.c ./../WinQuake/r_edge.c ./../WinQuake/r_efrag.c ./../WinQuake/
r_light.c ./../WinQuake/r_main.c ./../WinQuake/r_misc.c ./../WinQuake/r_part.c .
/../WinQuake/r_sky.c ./../WinQuake/r_sprite.c ./../WinQuake/r_surf.c ./../WinQua
ke/r_vars.c ./../WinQuake/sbar.c ./../WinQuake/screen.c ./../WinQuake/snd_mix.c
./../WinQuake/sv_main.c ./../WinQuake/sv_move.c ./../WinQuake/sv_phys.c ./../Win
Quake/sv_user.c ./../WinQuake/snd_mem.c ./../WinQuake/view.c ./../WinQuake/wad.c
./../WinQuake/world.c ./../WinQuake/zone.c > Makedepend
make: /bin/sh.exe: Command not found
make: *** [Makedepend] Error 127

Why is it erroring? i know im a newbie to C++ but im only trying to compile it i havent changed anything at all i just downloaded the source from gp32 world

How can i get it to compile?

lots of people seem 2 have this problem i hope some1 manages 2 compile it it would be the most 'l33t' thing ever it could run at say 10 fps with the new pocket quake source put into it
I tried to compile it once, but gave up after a few tries. I suggest you download the pocketquake source, try to get that to compile. If that works, simply move the gp32 specific code from the gp32 port to the working pocketquake source.

Don't forget to turn on the fixed point math when compiling! :)

Ok i might as well tell you guys i wanna compile it cause i have got the new source from pocket quake and have compared the files which are different in the gp32 version so i think i have the right files worked out to get it to running faster.

I'll try compiling the quake source with the gp32 files and see how i go but the problem with compiling it is the Make file thats included it doesnt tell what makedepend is so it can't find the functiona nd i tryed deleting it but that doesnt help :\

On linux makedepend is an app that should generate that missing file (I think - I've never actually had to use it before). I've got no idea if it comes with gcc for windows.
Ok could u explain how i would do that? I'v got avery basic grasp on how this works i havent looked at any documentation but as far i i know makedepent doesn't exsist in windows right? so how do i get the compiler to compile?

I don't know much about it either.. it seems like it's made for compiling in cygwin tho, I'll try that.. perhaps it will miraculously work..? ;>
Thanks :) maybe if u can get it to compile and i can't then i'll send u the updated files and see how much faster it runs :)

I have the fixed point files but i wanted to get the normal gp32 version working so i know if i do update the new files and it doesn't work then i kwno its the files that have a problem and i must edit them.

Also from what i was reading the gp32 clock speed was set at 40mhz for quake i think. I dont know for sure i prob read it wrong.

search for Mhz in the source files only 1 file will come up :)

i think with some working on it we could get quake playable, there is the new pocket quake source and te point that we could run in at 133mhz perhaps even more, what about a menu to change the clockspeed like in doom...
im very intrested in this.. :) hope you get it compiled
This would be too cool does anyone know how 2get it 2 compile?
heh i need this at a nice speed so i can laugh at the lowly gba owners who are like bla bla my gba has as good a graphics as a playstation :/ i doubt i'll get anywhere with them when they have strange fantasies about the power of the gba :/
I can get it to compile and i'll have a look at it when Doom V10 (the final version) is finished.

Exactly when doom V10 is done... will be when its done.

V9 in a few days though.

craigix, could please you tell us how to get it to compile? ;) :o

EDIT: everyone thinks that it will run once it is compiled, one problem:the 32mb bug... could someone explain how to make virtual smcs? i have an interesting idea... ;)

EDIT@: wtf? where in the poop is the quake executable?i wanted to try to make a 128mb virtual smc and then try it with geepee32 and see if it works and if it did i would try it on real gp32 ;)