Need Help Installing Snes Emu On My Gp32!!!


Still Fresh
Aug 21, 2005
I have a GP32 which I have had now for two years, and it just recently dawned on me that it is AWESOME! :P I suddenly had a revelation and realized that I could install my favorite games of all time on my GP32 using emulators that I am very acquainted with on my normal PC, though am completely oblivious how to install on this system. Someone pleaaaase give me instructions on how to install a SNES emu(and others i wouldnt mind :) ) and also please how to get roms to work on the emu.

Thank you!!!!!! gp32_console :D gp32_console

Most emulators come with readme files - they'll tell you where to put the ROMS etc. As a general rule, put the .fxe file in the GPMM folder on your GP32, then create a new folder (also in GPMM) as per the instructions in the emulators readme (for example the folder you create for the SNES emulator is called SNES). Thats where the ROMS go.

Hope that helps,

Did you buy it for the commercial games? :P

What version do you have? Non-lit, FLU?

I don't know if you could be considered a newbie (had your GP32 longer than I've had mine :P ), but you can check out my site--Gamepark newbie. It lists the best homebrew and the best emulators and a lot of other useful information.

Have fun with your old toy. :lol:

EDIT: And what Firmware do you have? Does it look like this? If so, do you have freelauncher?
BobBorakovitz posted on Aug 21 2005 at 06:37 AM said:
LOL! What have you been doing with it for 2 years?!?

This is hilarious! :D

What? Her Knights and Tomak wouldn't last you 2 years? ;) :lol:

It is amazing to think there are GP32 owners out there who never used emus on it. But I suppose there may be a few.
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