SNES emu


Feb 16, 2003
I was wondering.....if I want the Snes emulator do I just download it and install it on my GP32? Are there games already with the download? Do you get to choose which games from SNES that you want to emulate? Do I need GPengine? Someone please help. Thanks. :D
yes, you just put the ****.fxe in your GPMM directory, you put the rom files (for snes usually, .smc) in their correct directory (in most cases read the readme.txt :) , when you load the emulator it reads a certain directory displaying all the .smc files in it.
the snes emulator is just the program that will be used to run the roms. The roms don't come with the emulator so look around forthe games you want. GPengine is somthing diffrent all together, it's a pc engine emulator which can be used to play pc engine games.
please note that unless you own the original cartridges, snes roms are illegal.

--jo "directhex" shields
hmmm. lots of "roms = illegal" talk in here lately.
not that I am one to argue, but is there a specific reason? a big crackdown coming up, in light of recent events?

I can certainy agree with the strong feelings about "current system emulation" being somewhat taboo (specifically GBA) but older systems that are no longer available or really profitable, it seems sort of redundant to go off about their legalities on anywhere but an actual rom site (or rom link site) - which this is definitely not.

GP32 is, however, pretty much popular with most folks because of it's rom emulation capabilities and potential - so one can see where this is an issue, to some degree.

but now I am just blabbin'.
i agree that older systems are fair enough to emulate - and i do so myself. however i get somewhat miffed when i see people talking about buying flash kits for GBA to play pirate games. there is no justification for this.

--jo "directhex" shields
welll - that IS why the majority of people buy those things! It comes down to your morals I guess.

At least the GBA emulation scene (emulation ON the GBA, not OF the GBA) is starting to blossom a bit, making the cards more viable for that purpose as opposed to just rom skeezin'.

I know that I for one wouldn't have bought a GBA at all if not for PocketNES...