Need Custom Sprites, Tiles, Backgrounds Etc?

Wicked Clown

Still Fresh
Aug 13, 2004
I will make anyone any of these things for only 25 cents apiece! (Note: the only reason i am charging you is so that i can save up enough money to buy a GP32 and share the experience of makeing RPGs with this great engine like the rest of you, after that i will make them free of charge!) Send me an email to describing what you want me to create for you. Its that simple! Want an even better deal? Ill make you 20 sprites backgrounds tiles or whatever for only $4.00. You can order from me by email or post a reply right here! Thank you.

:blink: - Kenny McCarthy aka Wicked Clown
How about this radical idea:

You could get a job mowing lawns, or get a newspaper route, or bag groceries ... anything really, then save your paychecks, and before you know it, you'll have saved enough for your gp32_console .

Chances are you'll make more $$ with a real job then with this attempt. :D
"i sell you tiles for your game for 25cent, i hope i can download your game for free soon when i have my gp"
Since Im only 13, i dont have a job yet, and i cant find any lawns to mow (believe me ive tried) and i thought id do something im good at to try and earn money. And yes as soon as i earn the money to buy a gp32 all my custom sprites will be free, as will the games ive made with them. By the way does anyone here use Multimedia Fusion to develop games on their computer? cuz i know ive made some great rpgs with it.

:blink: -Wicked Clown
Tell u what Davey Q, since ur right i will make u my first custom sprite free and post it here on my forum. Just post here or email me to tell me what u want.

:blink: -Wicked Clown
youve made some good rpg's eh?
links please, and you goin to HAVE TO show work to us all before we pay ya
sorry son, but the way your goin now it aint goin to work
and yes, theres ALWAYS jobs out there, ur just not lookin
ask people if theres ANYTHING you can do
mow lawns
walk dog
baby sit
paint fences
wash cars
wash houses
weed lawns
weed driveways
help people moving
buy groceries for them
many more, heck, you could sell lemonade or something, or better yet, when halloween comes around, get a lot of pumpkins, and sell them
I live in country and still made bout 300 bucks, youll proly make 120-160 tho cause i got them for free ( benefits of bein a farmer, havin friends who grow the right crops )


sorry son, its just how the world works, we need proof your good before we give you hard earned money
And in the bargain, me, matmagoo and others are doing them fro free. why should we pay you?
Could someone sendme free sprites and back grounds?I have been searching for guys like you for ages. :D It"ll go on a cool internet game I make for stuff like miniclips thx
Come on show us how you draw Snake(from Metal Gear Solid :o )and how Deleted User draws one then I'll decide if I'm willing to pay you........

P.S. Just one picture I just want to see you're talent :) .