GP32 Need An Artist


Man is a reasoning rather than a reasonable animal
Mar 18, 2004
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I just started a VNS (visual novel system) "game" and was wondering if anyone would be willing to draw things for me. Keep in mind, this is not really a game, it is more of a visual story. If you are interested I could send you what I have made so far. This may take a long time because I don't have much free time to work on it. Please PM me if you are interested. For the art style, I'm willing to try anything you want. I made a couple of my own graphics using macromedia flash which actually look pretty good but when I tried to draw "complicated" things they looked terrible. I haven't actually made a complete story, I'm just making up things as I go along. Whoever draws for me could also help test the game.

EDIT: the pictures would have to be in bmp
Hi there,

I'd be interested! I have a website with my pictures -

Also I'm in the process of making a VNS game, which is a conversion of Warlock of Firetop Mountain. You can download the first beta at - this also has drawings that I did specially for it, which are a different style altogether.

Well, my VNS project isn't looking very good so I think I will release what I've made in the beta testing section and see what people think. If most of the people think it sucks (which they probably will) I will probably quit working on it. I'm too busy right now to do much and in my free time I'm trying to learn C++ . When I get time I'll look at your game.
What's your E-mail adress, saintdragon? I will e-mail it to you and you can try it. If you think it has any potential at all please tell me and I will continue working on it (and if you would draw that would be great!). Otherwise I will just release it on the Beta Forums and prepare for a shitload of criticism. Just don't expect anything good, that way you won't be dissappointed. It may take me a long time to make anymore because I am very busy learning C++ and doing homework (i'm only in high school but we get a lot of homework).

EDIT:Grebn, if you want I'll do the same thing for you.
deadlychicken22 posted on Apr 12 2005 at 09:56 PM said:
What's your E-mail adress, saintdragon? I will e-mail it to you and you can try it. If you think it has any potential at all please tell me and I will continue working on it (and if you would draw that would be great!). Otherwise I will just release it on the Beta Forums and prepare for a shitload of criticism. Just don't expect anything good, that way you won't be dissappointed. It may take me a long time to make anymore because I am very busy learning C++ and doing homework (i'm only in high school but we get a lot of homework).

EDIT:Grebn, if you want I'll do the same thing for you.

i up for it. :)

my email adress is

just send me the info and il giv a go for it and see if i can com up with som apropriate stuff. :)

do you have example pics in it?
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I have a title pic and overhead maze pics, I'm e-mailing it to you now and you can see for yourself. So far its not much of a game, more of a story, but I'm hoping to add a lot more game elements to it.

EDIT: please tell me of any problems or things you don't like or could be improved. I also accidentally capitalize the first two letters in some sentences becuase I held the shift key down for too long...Please tell me whenever you notice these so I can fix them.
ok thanks... will check out now...

just checked and there is no open file, can you resend? the file that you had sent me was only 2kb and i dont think that the VNS could fit in such a small email.... :unsure:
Looks like I got ahead of myself and after writing the e-mail forgot to atach it :lol:
I just sent another one(with the files attached), please tell me what you think.