So the GP32 can handle about 1500-2000polys on the screen at one time with a decent framerate (25-30fps)?
mithris was a bit less optimistic and suggested about 500-1000polys with his engine (but he thinks there might be some optimisations possible).
Anyways here is a quick W.I.P of what I did for mithris rally game so far. It will really look a lot better once I have made the skin.
-!-I am still open for other projects since I like to work on different stuff, to avoid getting bored by one project

But I thought about the fighting game idea a bit more, and I am not sure if I really want to do one.
The problem is that fighting games require an insane amount of animations (basicly almost any "interacting animation" -times- the number of possible enemys -times- the number of players) and fighting games suck if the animations aren't really well done (every character has to have lots of special moves etc). Since I don't have a motion capture studio, like the big companys creating those games, it will take for ever to do all the animations.
I am a big fan of FPS games on the PC, but I don't think they work very well on a console (including the GP32).
You could do a 3rd person game like TombRaider, but, and this is the same for FPS games, since you can't do internet multiplayer and even though there is a Wireless connection available, it doesn't make much sense to to a multiplayer game for the GP32.
That leaves us with a story driven, "one time play", singleplayer game for the genres mentioned above (FPS & 3rd Person).
Since I don't really want to make a game I can't really enjoy playing myself, those genres are not really an option. (Understandable since I am makeing this as a hobby for free, right?)
So with fighting games, FPS & 3rd person games ruled out, we have to think about a cool game concept that works well in 3d (it would be a shame not to use that lovley engine you are porting).
Besides the rally game mentioned above, you could maybe do a MarioKart clone, a Ikaruga clone, OR?
I hope this stuff written right from my brain sparks an interesting discussion about what game to create.
P.S.: In case you wonder, I am planning to release all my models done for these projects to the public as an open-source like release. Anyone can use them for their own GP32 projects as long as they releasing the game for free and also release any 3d-models based on my work to the public with the same conditions. (basicly a "only non comercial GPL like" licence).
Have a nice day
