GP32 In need of a 3d Artist for your GP32 game


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2004
Just mail me or reply to this topic.

If you are interested in starting a new homebrew project (you will have to do the coding yourself, since I kinda suck at coding) thats fine too.

Hope this will result in a nice game for my GP32 :ph34r:
Any kind ;) But I would really like to do a bigger project (not just a tech demo).

If no one has a project already started, that I could join, I would suggest to start a Ikaruga clone, or a 3d-fighting game (ala SoulBlade/SoulCalibur?). But these are really just ideas I thought of for about 10 sec. (anyone knows if that opensource 3d engine, Yeti3d I think, can handle non FPS games well?)

BUT I am open to all kind of games (although I would prefer a game with a high replay factor, since the developer can't really enjoy a "onetime" game himself :P )

@ThunderZ: Got any more info on your project or do you want to start one?
Any kind ;) But I would really like to do a bigger project (not just a tech demo).

(anyone knows if that opensource 3d engine, Yeti3d I think, can handle non FPS games well?)

@ThunderZ: Got any more info on your project or do you want to start one?
ThunderZ is porting the yeti3d engine :-)
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Any possibility to see some sample artwork?
I have a small project running.. at very low speedm and a 3D artist could help.
The project is completely uncommercial though.
there are some screenshots and a small demo.

Sorry due to a recent webspace crash, I have only some pics of highpoly test models I did recently on geocitys (here is a link to some stuff I pimped on one CGchat: ) But I really just started with highpoly stuff.

I am doing PC game art for over 5 years now, and worked on several Quake3 mods as a freelancer (no big stuff, for example the 3dtrees in UrbanTerror, I worked mostly on a mod that got canceled some time ago and stand alone models & maps).

But I can assure you that I can map, model, skin and animate quite well ;)

I just bought an GP32 from ebay three days ago (hasn't arrived yet :( ) and since I mostly worked on highpoly models lately, that is a good opportunity to refresh some old lowpoly skills ;)

Looks nice, I will check your demo as soon as I get my GP32. What are your plans exactly? A 3d rally game?

:blink: I am really a n00b :blink:

Yeah, probably but 3d would be nicer ;) And since I enjoy making 3d art a lot more than making 2d art....

@ThunderZ again:
Are you just porting the engine, or you you also have plans for a game with Yeti3d?
Yep, pretty standard rally, extremely low-poly ofcourse..
And the development pace is really slow..

Yo Julius,

I working on the GP32 engine Yeti 3D part.
Actually i want to do some game using it but well i'm really too bad in 3D gfx (and well worst more in animation).

The Yeti engine version i'm working on have lot possibility but really to bad to make a 3D game because i'm a shit for doing gfx.
See i made this in 1 week + 3 days :(



I'll love to do a figting game but it's more more hard for me because the model have to be animated. :(

For a fighting game like PS1 or ZINC Arcade game, the yeti engine could be good.
Removing the wall and cell draw for keep only the floor and have animated model using special MD2 format. :)

But well the 3D gfx man that will do the gfx have a lot of job :)
@ThunderZ & mithris

Could you give me some quick data on what the GP32 with your engines can handle (preferably not overclocked)? Polycount for both games + texture resolution (car and fighter in realistic game situations).
Do your engines allow transparencys (I would be mostly interested in alpha-masks).
I will do some brainstorming, and maybe some good models come out of it ;)
Can't promise anything yet, but I really want to do some lowpoly stuff.
Actuall i can easilly have 2 ennemy (like the bauul model nerally 600 poly) + fire + world on the screen.

I think for a figthing game 3d model in the 800 poly (or less :))could be a good think to have.
Do you know all the old arcade 3D game (see ZINC emulator) or in PS1 like the tekken serie ?

Maybe something similar coud be done.

For a racing game i've to make some test before, to see the distance screen view possibility.
I'll make a little frame limiter this weekend to try have a perfect stable 30 or 25 fps. ;)
So the GP32 can handle about 1500-2000polys on the screen at one time with a decent framerate (25-30fps)?
mithris was a bit less optimistic and suggested about 500-1000polys with his engine (but he thinks there might be some optimisations possible).

Anyways here is a quick W.I.P of what I did for mithris rally game so far. It will really look a lot better once I have made the skin.

-!-I am still open for other projects since I like to work on different stuff, to avoid getting bored by one project :P -!-


But I thought about the fighting game idea a bit more, and I am not sure if I really want to do one.
The problem is that fighting games require an insane amount of animations (basicly almost any "interacting animation" -times- the number of possible enemys -times- the number of players) and fighting games suck if the animations aren't really well done (every character has to have lots of special moves etc). Since I don't have a motion capture studio, like the big companys creating those games, it will take for ever to do all the animations.

I am a big fan of FPS games on the PC, but I don't think they work very well on a console (including the GP32).

You could do a 3rd person game like TombRaider, but, and this is the same for FPS games, since you can't do internet multiplayer and even though there is a Wireless connection available, it doesn't make much sense to to a multiplayer game for the GP32.
That leaves us with a story driven, "one time play", singleplayer game for the genres mentioned above (FPS & 3rd Person).
Since I don't really want to make a game I can't really enjoy playing myself, those genres are not really an option. (Understandable since I am makeing this as a hobby for free, right?)

So with fighting games, FPS & 3rd person games ruled out, we have to think about a cool game concept that works well in 3d (it would be a shame not to use that lovley engine you are porting).
Besides the rally game mentioned above, you could maybe do a MarioKart clone, a Ikaruga clone, OR?

I hope this stuff written right from my brain sparks an interesting discussion about what game to create.

P.S.: In case you wonder, I am planning to release all my models done for these projects to the public as an open-source like release. Anyone can use them for their own GP32 projects as long as they releasing the game for free and also release any 3d-models based on my work to the public with the same conditions. (basicly a "only non comercial GPL like" licence).

Have a nice day :ph34r:
:o Wahou that damn impressive your model really rock and very low poly.
my bad car was nearly 200 poly for the bad result.

For the 3D figthing game your true the animation is the real big hard point of this.
I'll love to do a game like that but real hard for artist.
what do you thing of making a Smash brother like project ? (figthing but fun fighting and animation not too hard no ?)

For an fps on GP32, IT COULD BE DONE !!!
The yeti engine is specialtly desgn for make fps or plateforme game like mario 64 or other 3D platforme game.

For the race game the mithris engine is wondefull and the physic is SOO REALISTIC, i'm damn impressive of it.
I've to make some test on yeti to see his capacity on this point.
i might maybe wanna pitch in for a futuristic racer (f-zero-type game)
doing environments... would be fun to do a couple levels.

anyway, specs are important, 1st of all...

Small update, the wheels are just temporary, they will look way more round "in-game". The blue stuff will be not there in the game.

I think the mesh is done, now I'll move on to the skin.

I have seen worst "programmers art" and I can assure you, that you don't what to see my messy "hello world" programming atempts ;)

I still haven't got a chance to test mithris engine since I still haven't got my GP32, but good physics are a great plus for a racing game!

I have never played "smash brothers" could you explain how it works? -Might be exactly what we could do with the Yeti3d engine.... dunno :unsure:
Oh, and about an FPS, sure it is doable, but I doubt it will be much fun to work on (see above; the singleplayer argument) and the controls aren't really that good for a FPS either :( Same is true for a Mario64 type of game I guess (well not the controler argument, but the singleplayer argument)

why not work on rally tracks for the rally game mithris is doing?

Otherwise, I would really like to see a realtime (like "Warcraft") or turn based (like "Heroes of Might and Magic" or "Age of Wonders") strategy game on the gp32.
But those games would work much better in 2d and someone has to programm a good AI, to make "random" games possible (!!!).
I am not really as good in 2d sprites as in 3d models, but if someone whats to do a project like those mentioned above, I would try my best :blink:

Quick wip, still working on it, skin is about 75% done I guess. The skin resolution is 256x256 pixel...looks bad on that picture, but will work just fine on the small gp32 screen ;)
Didn't have much time the last couple of days, and finally getting my Gp32 didn't help either :blink: