need a little help with java on pandora...


Feb 9, 2006
i wanted to try a game \app that i'm particularly fond of,its an app that allows you to play the heroclix game on pc,(without graphics though)through's the link

now,the game is only for pc and mac,though i read that ic ould be possible to make it run on other platform by running the jar package that comes with the game.well,i installed the java app on the pandora yesterday,selected such java package..and nothing i missing something?

also,on a side note:are there any java emulators for running those java games that were available on cell phones a couple of years ago?
If you already installed the java installer from the repo, then try running from a terminal:

java -jar YOURPROGRAM.jar
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i'm a bit of a noob with do i direct the command to the path where the jar is located?is not like good ol' dos with c:\myapp.jar?that's what i think my problem is....i typed that command on the console,and i have this error

args are: -jar heroclix open.jar(that's the name of the app i'm trying to run)

unable to access jarfile heroclix
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already tried and have same issue here's a pic with the error

2012-11-25 00.50.29.jpg
maybe it might be because the name of the sd (csltcrk)must be written uppercase?
Three things:

1.) Linux is always case sensitive.

2.) If the file that you want to run has a space in it, try to set the path and filename into quotes:

java -jar "/path/TO/your file.jar"

3.) Take advantage of bashs autocompletion with typing the beginning of a file or directoryname and then pressing tab to prevent misspelling.
Spaces can also be preceded by an antislash:

java -jar /path/TO/your\ file.jar
I runned this and seems to work but the interface is too big for our resolution... plus i don't know how to play or use..seem a little bit complex to setup.

If you wanna try it for yourself follow this :

First install the new Java.pnd with the recent Oracle optimized version (on the repo..) as apps are more fast executed.

Now on your SD card create a new dir and put inside the OHC jar file and the data dirs. Rename the .jar file as Heroclix_Online.jar to avoid space in name.

Now create a new file (name what you want..i choosed for me) and put inside this :

java -jar Heroclix_Online.jar

Now you can double click ( or select the icon and press Return ) to run it.
thanks farox it works fine!unfortunately as you said the resolution is too big,so when i go to battle field,i can't scroll down to place my units on the battlefield :(oh well at least i tried..does it also runs those .jad java games that were present on come cell phones years ago?