

Still Fresh
Apr 28, 2011
Right, I'm ordering a Pandora regardless of the answer I get here, just waiting for my overtime pay to come in (worked my ass off for one of these babies!!)

what I'd like to know now however, is does the Pandora come with full java support out of the box, if not, is their a java virtual machine easily available? And how stable is it? can i just assume that if a java game/program worked on my pc it should work on the pandora (assuming it's not a particularly high requirement program/game)
I know that there is a java VM for the Pandora, but how well it runs I have no idea because I've never had to use it.

Also, I'd be wary of just assuming that if it works on a desktop PC then it'll work on the Pandora, because of the Pandora's memory & speed lmitations. If it's well-optimised or just small, then I would guess it'll work.
I know that there is a java VM for the Pandora, but how well it runs I have no idea because I've never had to use it.

Also, I'd be wary of just assuming that if it works on a desktop PC then it'll work on the Pandora, because of the Pandora's memory & speed lmitations. If it's well-optimised or just small, then I would guess it'll work.

Well yes Hardware limitations need to be considered of course, but I'm talking about software compatibility. Thanks for your answer.
no you cant run minecraft on the pandora, although notch does have a pandora
Right here

It runs pretty well from what I've found. Behaves exactly like on your desktop: ie, run "java -jar file.jar" to execute your java application (or just run the .sh that most applications include these days, or even better, a number of applications have already been packaged up into PND files)

It can't run any 3D applications, these require OpenGL while the Pandora only has OpenGLES (a "mini" version of OpenGL designed for portable devices). That's why, as DaMummy so quaintly put it ( :P ) you can't run Minecraft.

A few games I've come across create a window that is larger than the Pandora's screen. Not much you can do about those either.

Other than that, runs pretty well. There's a star chart and a GPS app and a card game client I use to play Dominion online and a number of other apps. All I can say is give it a try.

As far as Minecraft does go, the Pandora CAN run the server. I had 3 users connected to mine at one time and so long as it wasn't generating new chunks, it ran great!
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no you cant run minecraft on the pandora, although notch does have a pandora

that obvious huh?

well no I'm actually asking for more general use, but I definetly was wondering about minecraft too :P

knowing notch has a pandora does give us hope though!

I was actually asking because theres a fair amount of java games around and I have some java programming experience, so if I want to get some applications to run on the pandora it would be handy to know.
youre not the first to ask....couple things around here are obvious, one, the pandora isnt a smartphone, two, it cant emulate nds because it only has one screen, three, prometheous likes is obsessed with megaman, four, games without source code, especially ones on x86, wont get ported over, and five, pandora cant run minecraft
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