Neat Button Idea


Mar 29, 2005
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I like to have my buttons on my devices, and the gp32 is a lil short on these. But not to worry i have come up with a solution that is rather barbaric :o

1. Lead in wires on 2 (or more) of the gp32s buttons, then have them lead to a button that you buy and glue? in to the gp32.
2. Then you can set up/code/w/e the emu to have the option that when you press two buttons together it counts as one. {{{what i mean is it would be like Osnes9x where u press strart +select to go to the menu}}} (shouldnt bethat hard rite???
3. Then you drill a hole the same size as your buttons, how ever many you desire and volla, you got some fused buttons :) Although you could use some stick tack on the inside to keep dust out :)

I think this is basic stuff and wouldnt be too hard... There seems to be enough room when i took my fella apart. Maybe ill mod my gp32 if i can get osnes9x to have a option like START+A or sumthing = a X button gp32_console
I would connect the buttons to L+R (or Start), because A and B together are often used (i.e. jumping while running).
i ould just connect new buttons with resistors to a ain port, ain0 is at the ext port so you wouldnt even need to open the gp, 10+ buttons should be easy
Drak posted on May 31 2005 at 09:42 PM said:
Maybe ill mod my gp32 if i can get osnes9x to have a option like START+A or sumthing = a X button gp32_console

Can't button combinations already be programmed via software? So it wouldn't be that hard (if someone edits the code), to make it so that L+R = X, or L+A=Y and such.

I've actually been thinking about moving the shoulder triggers to the back, more comfortable to hold that way for me... OR... even adding a button near the A and B and just connecting it to the R trigger so it more like an SNES controller... I want a better SNES emulator before I do that though...

Cheers! :P
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What's the pinout for the EXT port? You know the adaptoids that you can get for the PC that let you use a PSX or N64 or whatever controller as a joystick? I'm sure there's a way to make a type of adaptoid for the GP32. It'd also allow analog control.

Edit: Other than that, you could just attach some extra buttons on a strap or something and have a cord that plugs into the ext port.
Drak posted on May 31 2005 at 09:42 PM said:
Maybe ill mod my gp32 if i can get osnes9x to have a option like START+A or sumthing = a X button  gp32_console

Can't button combinations already be programmed via software? So it wouldn't be that hard (if someone edits the code), to make it so that L+R = X, or L+A=Y and such.

I've actually been thinking about moving the shoulder triggers to the back, more comfortable to hold that way for me... OR... even adding a button near the A and B and just connecting it to the R trigger so it more like an SNES controller... I want a better SNES emulator before I do that though...

Cheers! :P

Ya thats what i meant in my box i made up there. But trust me , once you get the osnes9x v0.2 running at 180mhz (or less) you can get MOST games running at full speed :P some of them alreay run at full speed in 166mhz
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