Native "temper" For Caanoo?


Feb 1, 2006
This has probably been asked before, but I did not find it. Will there be a native Caanoo version of Temper? I read about using it in Ginge, which is all fine and great, but I'd love to use it outside of Ginge. It is a really excellent piece of work and works great on my Wiz. Some of the best (if not THE best) TG16/PCE emulation I have every used next to Windows MagicEngine :) Is it because Exophase does not own a Caanoo? (I read this somewhere) Welp, heres hoping! I'm up for testing should it become a reality :)

On another off/on topic (off due to emulator, on due to system emulated), I played around with Hugo last night and it is just dreadfully slow. I read some of the comments in the download section and someone claimed it was full speed when o/c'ed to 700mhz, but it does not seem to make much of a difference at all when I set this this way. Is it because of firmware? Using v1.6.2 (pre-installed straight from Play Asia)
The existing version runs very nice and with yoshi´s emu pack, you won´t even notice, that ginge is running in the background. So why a native version?
There are wiz/gp2x programs not running at all, even via ginge. So I would more like to see a port of something like DosBox or anything not available for the Caanoo.
The only downside I've heard with ginge is related to refresh rate. But if that's the case I wonder if it's not something that can be fixed with ginge.. this would probably be more useful than a Temper port.

The thing with Temper is that the version I had in progress (the one I released for Pandora) has a new video core and I didn't get around to writing an ASM version. I don't know how fast it'd be on GP2X, Wiz, or Caanoo since I didn't test it on any of them, but I'm not very enthusiastic about finding out. In reality, I wanted this version to be the one that'd be ported to the GP32, and for this I needed the new engine and it definitely had to be ARM ASM. Suffice it to say, what I thought wouldn't be a huge deal ended up being really annoying for me.. for that matter, something else is currently making me miserable with converting to ARM ASM - I guess it's not as easy as it used to be. And I'm afraid that that something else (and several other things) takes precedence over the Temper ports.

If I did get around to it, I do know someone who was willing to perform the actual port, which should be very straightforward but surprisingly still easy to mess up in the wrong hands. If I'm pressured enough I may eventually just give him the source to the last Wiz version, of course... but I don't know if you should try that on me just yet ;p
Akabei said:
The existing version runs very nice and with yoshi´s emu pack, you won´t even notice, that ginge is running in the background. So why a native version?
There are wiz/gp2x programs not running at all, even via ginge. So I would more like to see a port of something like DosBox or anything not available for the Caanoo.

THX! I didn't know that ... can I use this script for other ginge games like duke3D ?
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spn-x said:
Akabei said:
The existing version runs very nice and with yoshi´s emu pack, you won´t even notice, that ginge is running in the background. So why a native version?
There are wiz/gp2x programs not running at all, even via ginge. So I would more like to see a port of something like DosBox or anything not available for the Caanoo.

THX! I didn't know that ... can I use this script for other ginge games like duke3D ?
Yes, it should work with some small modifications. BAFelton made 2 Tutorials, which might help:
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Exophase said:
The only downside I've heard with ginge is related to refresh rate. But if that's the case I wonder if it's not something that can be fixed with ginge.. this would probably be more useful than a Temper port.

The thing with Temper is that the version I had in progress (the one I released for Pandora) has a new video core and I didn't get around to writing an ASM version. I don't know how fast it'd be on GP2X, Wiz, or Caanoo since I didn't test it on any of them, but I'm not very enthusiastic about finding out. In reality, I wanted this version to be the one that'd be ported to the GP32, and for this I needed the new engine and it definitely had to be ARM ASM. Suffice it to say, what I thought wouldn't be a huge deal ended up being really annoying for me.. for that matter, something else is currently making me miserable with converting to ARM ASM - I guess it's not as easy as it used to be. And I'm afraid that that something else (and several other things) takes precedence over the Temper ports.

If I did get around to it, I do know someone who was willing to perform the actual port, which should be very straightforward but surprisingly still easy to mess up in the wrong hands. If I'm pressured enough I may eventually just give him the source to the last Wiz version, of course... but I don't know if you should try that on me just yet ;p

Thank you for the input. Well, if you ever do decide to attempt to port yourself (or someone who obtains the source does) please do count me in on testing. And, thank you for the Wiz port btw. I use it quite often and is one of those "gems" in my book ;)
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Just curiosity: shouldn't the Wiz code run as well on the Caanoo after just some small modifications? Isn't the hardware on both systems almost identical?
Thanks (in advance) for clarifying that.
I love the PC Engine/Turbografx-16 so of course I would also like to see a native Temper for the Caanoo hehe, it's easily my fave emulator out there, period. But it works quite nice through Ginge so that's probably sufficient for now. Anyway, just wanted to tell the creator of Temper how much I enjoy using this emulator, most of the games run flawlessly on the Caanoo. Thank you so much for giving me the ability to play PC Engine games on the go, it's simply fantastic! :)
holyfuck77 said:
Just curiosity: shouldn't the Wiz code run as well on the Caanoo after just some small modifications? Isn't the hardware on both systems almost identical?
It indeed should. (the small modification should just be control handling, aka easy)

But notice that I'm using conditionnal not present...
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FruitSaladSunday said:
I love the PC Engine/Turbografx-16 so of course I would also like to see a native Temper for the Caanoo hehe, it's easily my fave emulator out there, period. But it works quite nice through Ginge so that's probably sufficient for now. Anyway, just wanted to tell the creator of Temper how much I enjoy using this emulator, most of the games run flawlessly on the Caanoo. Thank you so much for giving me the ability to play PC Engine games on the go, it's simply fantastic! :)
I'm big fan of pc engine/cd,the version running through runs really well plays nearly all the games and look really nice on caanoo screen,only question is are controllers compatible.
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I'm new owner of a caanoo 1.6.1 (r500) for pc engine emulation. (& genesis & neogeo &ALL;) )

Using temper via genge works very nicely but i think i've some trouble with final match tennis, my favorite sport game.

It seem to works at full speed (i use cpu clock 633 but see below) but the ball is not so smooth like with others emulators. Perhaps i'm wrong.

First i've test playing with cpu clock inside emulator but even at 20 ( :P ) fps are at 58-60fps...perhaps this feature dosn't work with genge ?

Then i've used ./pollux_set "cpuclk=700" inside gpe script : ball is very smooth but game is too slow now.


Thanks for this fantastic emulator , perhaps a native version is needed ;)
Can someone that have a wiz & a caanoo can test final match tennis and tell me if the ball is perfectly smooth on wiz or like in caanoo. (good speed but not very smooth)

my goal : know if it's a ginge or temper related "problem"

I tried the game with 3 different emulators...

Caanoo with Temper Wiz : Ball is indeed not perfectly smooth, but still very playable imo
Caanoo with HuGo : Ball seems to be smoother, but try it out
Wiz with Temper : Ball seems to be a bit smoother, but not so smooth as with HuGo on the Caanoo

I have the original game, but I didn't play it that much on my Turbo Duo. I'm not a Final Match Tennis expert.

Hope this helps anyway.

PS: My favorite PCE games are Gate of Thunder, Star Parodier and the PC Kid series. And of course, there are MANY other great titles on this great console.
Yoshi Dragon said:
I have the original game, but I didn't play it that much on my Turbo Duo. I'm not a Final Match Tennis expert.
I can't believe, what I just read. Final Match Tennis was without a doubt the best 8-bit tennis game ever(though I loved On-Court Tennis, as well) and it was maybe beaten by Great Courts II in some single player aspects, but no Virtua Tennis or Top Spin title was as good, in terms of a one on one tennis game, as the fabulous Final Match Tennis. Give it a try with one(or even better, some) of your friends and you'll see.
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Yoshi Dragon said:
I'm not a big tennis fan
I can only hope, no one in switzerland is able to read this thread here, :)
as the current no.1 national hero of your homeland is the all time best tennis player.
btw: Mario Tennis is a lot of fun for sure, but it's in no way similar to real Tennis. Swing the racquet yourself, nothing is as good as the real thing.
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