Native spotify for the pandora?


Nov 24, 2010
Okey, I know I've asked about this many times,

but is there a possibility that we could make spotify to run on the pandora?

I reeeeeally need it and I have a premium account, so I'm using the offline mode function.

And I've read that there is a functional native version for linux. (worked on Ubuntu Maverick)

If this is possible, i'm so selling my HTC HD2 because that's the only reason I'm still keeping it! :P
I wish I could use Spotify... stupid America and RIAA dominance...

If the program is closed-source, no. Open-source, maybe. Open-source and linux native, then yes, it's possible.
Okey, I know I've asked about this many times,

but is there a possibility that we could make spotify to run on the pandora?

I reeeeeally need it and I have a premium account, so I'm using the offline mode function.

And I've read that there is a functional native version for linux. (worked on Ubuntu Maverick)

If this is possible, i'm so selling my HTC HD2 because that's the only reason I'm still keeping it! :P

The current linux native is x86 only, thereby not going to run on the pandora.

There *might* be a ARM compile of libspotify, but it won't happen any time soon. At least that's how I understood what a friend relayed from the spotify devs.
There is a native app for the n900 based on libspotify that should be easy enough to port.
I am certainly part of the "do want" camp when it comes to spotify. Had a totally crazy issue with it this week, it breaks object selection in Fireworks meaning I couldn't work and use Spotify at the same time. Combine that with some colleagues oft poor choices in ambient music and you've got hell on earth. (using the preview release of Spotify to fix it at the moment)

Spotify on the iPad/iPhone is just painful compared to the desktop version, I like to click through lots of related artists and discover new music. Can't do this in the mobile versions :(
Sooo, right now there is none.

But it's possible to port, yes?

If so, DO SO!!!

Only when spotify is working on the pandora, my life will be complete..