GP32 GP32 Internet Source code


YOUR AUSSIE GP32 GURU!!!!!!!!&#3
May 30, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
Thought i should tell u guys about this if u didnt see it on the other gp32 sites

GP32 Internet Features discussion
Pirotic has mentioned that he has created software which allows your GP32 to access the internet via the USB cable. It's useful for things such as 2 player games, updating software over the net and maybe even some kind of web browser. Alot of possibilities here!

Read his post via our forums for more information, feel free to reply on the subject.;f=10;t=4490

What's the big deal? For examle Mithris' GDB-stub etc (the thing supported also by the MultiFW) has done that already for ages <_< Not to mention that anyone who knows the PCLink protocol can practically do the same. I would be more interested in native PPP driver & TCP/IP implementation inside GP32 so that one could hook it into any GSM/GPRS phone for example... PPP etc should be part of some SDK version afair... I can't remember if the "currect" one has gpnet stuff.
anyone who knows the PCLink protocol can practically do the same

Well they havent have they :P and its helpfull as he's gonna release it as a simple lib so its alot easier for gp32 programmers to put it into there new emu or games.

besides i only mentioned it to people who dont look at the other forums :P

What's the point of a web browser when your GP32 is tethered to your PC while you use it? Isn't that rather useless?
Think about that...web browser....u dont have to be connected to the net to view html files :D

It would be helpful for offline viewing liek websites or ebooks that are in html format.

Its usefull but that source code i post about has other uses it was made for online gp32 rpg and it can be used for some1 to plug there gp32in and it will update a program with new stuff.

An offline web browser wouldn't need the usb code at all. Just pull down the pages using wget (if you've got linux - I'd guess windows would have something similar available for it), then copy them to a folder.

An offline browser (text only) is actually something I've been planning to do for a few weeks now. Maybe it's about time I got off my arse and got something coded ;)
But this is the first step. Maybe we can adapt the RF-linker and make a reciever to plug into the PC. Then the GP32 will have a wireless Internet connection. Another step is to connect the GP32 to a cellularphone and then it's totally wireless.
Rambozo, you can't just reject the result, you have to see the possibilities this solution brings for the future. Pirotic has done a great job just developing the program and that he shares his results is just great! :D
Well woogal i did have the source code for a text only html it supported basic html and tables :)

i dont have it anymore tho :( but it was cross platform written in c++ and it was called links not lynx but u might be able to port lynx i dont know never look at that.

I don't really want to do a straight port of a browser 'cos I'd like to get a better understanding of how a browser actually parses a file. I've got the lynx src and I'm going to base my code on it's www library (which also seems to be the same as the code for mosaic). I'm not too bothered about tables at the moment as theres not much space on a handheld screen and links tends to look very messy unless you increase the size of the term window.
well you might have to set the html area of 640 x 480 and then u scroll around the thing like how the web browser on the gpi works.

You would think that gamepark would easily be able to make there webbrowser work on the gp32 unless the os thats on it has www libs in the bios.

Maybe they are gonna have it available when they launch it in europe :D

woogal posted on Jul 19 2003 said:
I don't really want to do a straight port of a browser 'cos I'd like to get a better understanding of how a browser actually parses a file. I've got the lynx src and I'm going to base my code on it's www library (which also seems to be the same as the code for mosaic). I'm not too bothered about tables at the moment as theres not much space on a handheld screen and links tends to look very messy unless you increase the size of the term window.
Maybe check out eLinks first, as its display seems to be a lot nicer than lynx (ie the layout more closely ressembles the "real" html display, and navigation is easier).

Also, I saw someone was working on a J2ME port... it might be easier to find an existing J2ME web browser and running it under that, if all you're looking for is a GP32 web browser. :)
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