Nand Error Checking Program?

One was written yes, but it was not made public. Reason being is that every gp2x has 42 bad blocks due to the way GPH manufacture the GP2X, and secondly, you need to write to every block to see if the status has changed from "good block" to "bad block".

Bad blocks on the nand don't make a difference anyway - if a block goes from good to bad, it'll just be marked as such and reallocated - the end user won't notice any difference.
the reason i ask is because my gp2x seems to free when going to games or utilities but no where else. If i use Mocca i can run games.

This would indicate bad NAND. or would it? thats why i was curious about some form of error checking program
theoddbot posted on Mar 18 2006 at 08:49 PM said:
Try installing cramfs and see if you have the same problems.

I did try the latest Cramfs firmware and while the GP2X booted up quicker, instead of freezing when going to games or utilities, it would reset back to the main menu.

This was better but i still found it impossible to load something.

If only i could get the benefit of Mocca and Cramfs firmware at the same time :)
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