Mario 64: Works well.
Starfox: Works well.
Mario kart 64: Works well.
Fzero X: Works well.
Snowboard Kids 2: Dynarec works, bad rendering issues (only displays skybox).
Goldeneye 007: Works, its a bit slow.
Perfect dark: Works (after i added a mempak to the controller). Renders fine (runs pretty well actually ~50-80% @ 800mhz).
Banjo Kazooie: Works well, I'm up to the 4th world.
Banjo Tooie: Doesn't work at the moment, has in the past.
1080 Snowboarding: Works well.
Majora's Mask: Shows intro, but doesn't get into game.
Ocarina of Time: Works.
Paper mario: Works well but screen flickers.
Turok 1: Works well.
Turok 3: Works, bit slow.
Diddy Kong Racing: Doesn't work at the moment, has in the past.
Super Smash Brothers: Dynarec works (after i removed some asserts
). Plays fine depending on how many characters your versing, the eyes of the characters aren't rendered though.
Yoshi Story: Dynarec works, has rendering issues (probably can be fixed with framebuffer textures).
Hybrid Heaven: Works well.
V-rally 99: Works, bit slow.
Top Gear Rally 2: Works, bit slow.
Ridge Racer: Works bit slow, cars are rendered black though.
The World Is Not Enough: Works pretty well, renders fine.
Blast Corps: Doesn't work.
Jet Force Gemini: Doesn't work (I think we're missing a 64bit opcode).
Shadowman: Doesn't work.
Indiana Jones: Doesn't work.
Mario party: Works well, has flickering issue.
Mario party 3: Works well, has flickering issue.
Pokemon Stadium 2: Works well. Has a few rendering issues that doesn't affect the gameplay.
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Works, bit slow.
Buck Bumble: Works well.
Knockout Kings 2000: Works bit slow.
Ready to rumble 2: Works bit slow.
Body Harvest: Works bit slow.
Castevania 2 - Legacy of Darkness: Doesn't work.
Custom Robo V2: Works well.
Donkey Kong 64: Doesn't work.
Excitebike 64: Doesn't work.
Extreme-G XG2: Works, rendering problem (only displays skybox).
F1 World Grad Prix 2: Works well.
Gauntlet Legends: Doesn't work.
Glover: Doesn't work.
LEGO racers: Works pretty well.
MACE - The Dark Ages: Works.
Mario Golf: Works slow, has rendering issues.
Mega Man 64: Works well.
Mystical Ninga starring Geomon: Works but really slow.
Mario Tennis: Doesn't work.
Pilot Wings 64: Works, bit slow.
Rayman 2: Works well.
Resident Evil 2: Doesn't work.
Starcraft 64: Doesn't work.
Space Station Silicon Valley: Works ok, has some minor rendering issues (geometry).
Starwars Episode 1 Racer: Works well, but sets wrong viewport for rendering.
Starwars Episode 1 - Battle for Naboo: Doesn't work.
Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3: Works slow, has texture rendering issues.
Wipeout 64: Doesn't work.
Worms Armageddon: Works, has nasty rendering issues.
Sin and Punishment: Works.
Bangai-O: Doesn't work.