n00b advice

Well, you've made the right choice choosing GP32 over Zodiac (in my opinion).

Anyway here's my answers on a postcard:

1. Depends where you are. I live in the UK and stupidly ordered from Lik-sang and I got charged delivery tax on my doorstep. Play asia are better if you are international, but the best place to go is www.gbax.com.

2. A large majority of the games can actually be bought and downloaded from the net for a fraction of the price from the official JoyGP website so I wouldn't bother ordering any hard copies.

3. It's fairly simple to do and if you get stuck there is plenty of support avaiolable here. The GP32 manual is in english anyway.

4. PC-engine is great, but there is also NES, Sega Master system, Gamegear, Gameboy colour and even a reasonably playable Genesis/Megadrive Emu.
- yes there is a snes Emu in development, but there are already a few available for download, although not perfect they are all promising.

5. I've never had a FLU but a friend of mine just bought one and I have to say I'm very jealous. It makes GP32 much easier, even if the price increment is a little steep.

Hope that helps.
Going with a flu or non-flu is a hard choice. I would have to say it is a toss up.

It really depends on your gaming need. If you only plan to play your GP32 at home, then go with a non-flu. It saves you $50 bucks, and to be honest, I think the colors look more rich and natural in the non flu unit. If you plan on playing it in many different lighting conditions, then get a flu.

A couple things I learned about my flu unit is, the unit got dust in between the plastic protective screen and the light plate. This annoyed the hell out of me. I ended up prying up the screen to remove the dust and I damaged the fragile light plate. . . So don't. . I REPEAT, do not get a flu if you stress out about dust or scratches. The light only makes them more visible. . . As for me, it drove me insane to see dust on my screen! As for gaming needs, I have never taken my GP32 out of the house, so honestly I could live with a non-flu. However, if I were to go on a long trip or something, I would rather take my flu.. It makes it easer to watch movies.

As far as I'm concerned, if that extra 50 dollars is REALLY hard to come by. And you only plan on playing the GP32 at home. . Then get yourself a non-flu. . :-)
