Mythtv Frontend On Pandora


Active Member
Mar 1, 2004
Hi there :-)

I reckon the pandora would be powerful enough to be a MythTV frontend, what is the opinion on this?

I take it, we would #simply# need to compile the source for the ARM CPU, yeah?

I seem to remember reading about a cross-compiler (toolset, chain, whatever) for ARM being available - is this correct?

This is something I would love to see and would be happy spending time setting up, compiling fixing errors etc.

Can anyone see any potential problems that would make this project impossible?

I currently use my Acer One as a frontend and it works perfectly, to have one even tinier would be fantastic!
Other people have had success compiling MythTV for beagleboard, so I see no reason why it could not run on the Pandora.

@Patrick: streaming over the network should work fine.
DJwillis had it running on angstrom awhile ago, but it was slow, which may have been that qt was slow.
Although that was before the memory upgrade, so It may run better now.
'mindlord' said:
Other people have had success compiling MythTV for beagleboard, so I see no reason why it could not run on the Pandora.

@Patrick: streaming over the network should work fine.
Of course >:P completely forgot about that

TV on Pandora would be awesome.
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This is good, this is very good.

I have had my old xbox running linux, running mythtv frontend and although it is a tad slow whilst navigating menus it played TV just fine.
'Miner49er' said:
I reckon the pandora would be powerful enough to be a MythTV frontend, what is the opinion on this?
This is the (main) reason I have bought a Pandora.

I hope someone with the know how gets it to run so it is at least usable.

This thread has someone saying they are working on it.

Being able to WiFi to my mythbackend box and watch by mythfrontend on the Pandora will be fantastic :D
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There's a number of us eager to try to get some sort of mythfrontend working. Even if Qt is too slow, there might be some alternate mechanism to view a MythTV backend.

I don't think I'd be up for porting Qt, but I might be willing to try if noone else has by the time I get my pandora. (Even if it meant writing a primitive SDL or OpenGL frontend to it...)
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'Trevor Bradley' said:
There's a number of us eager to try to get some sort of mythfrontend working. Even if Qt is too slow, there might be some alternate mechanism to view a MythTV backend.

I don't think I'd be up for porting Qt, but I might be willing to try if noone else has by the time I get my pandora. (Even if it meant writing a primitive SDL or OpenGL frontend to it...)
Is it necessary to use QT? In the setup the paint engine can be set to OpenGL. I'm not even sure what that actually means but if it means what I think it means then can't the QT portion of the code be hacked out?
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