I got it from the fact that I've never heard of the game, and the topic creator gave little information about it (I.E. "It's a home-brew game, port, etc.")
I was trying to help.
Edit: I would think you just need to create a folder named "images" in your MM directory, and copy all the files from "Images" into said new folder on your SMC.
Since, in the .rar, the "images" folder is another folder that's not in the "gpmm" folder, it most likely wouldn't belong where I suggessted.
And, even if you hadn't heard of the game, he mentioned that he put the .fxe in gpmm, which refers to the game, mystic hunters. What roms are in .fxe format? So, from that, you can deduce that it's not a rom, and most likely a normal game.