Mystery Folders : .wh..wh.orph

Alright, so, I now have a line at the end that reads;

%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/pandora/scripts/

Do I have that right? :p
Yep, it certainly is. Thankyou so, so much, sebt3. I truly appreciate it. :) (And I'll make sure I don't do dumb stuff like deleting my backup next time. :p )
Oh no! It's not working, the same problem has returned again after a clean boot! (Apparently a reboot is not the same as shutting down and booting clean, in this case.)

I'm trying to avoid it, but would I better off just reflashing...?
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Oh no! It's not working, the same problem has returned again after a clean boot! (Apparently a reboot is not the same as shutting down and booting clean, in this case.)

I'm trying to avoid it, but would I better off just reflashing...?
goosh, so you have that file, and the edit I gave you and it's still not working. Then I can help you more : I do have the same setup as you and it's working fine here :(

Here is your backup by the way (pnd_run from hf4)
^ You are a lifesaver, as ever, sebt3. :) Thankyou so much. I'll go and get that installed in a moment!

(As I said when I was a newcomer, I have this knack for causing software to behave in ways that it shouldn't, under perfectly normal usage scenarios. :lol: Once again, here I am doing exactly that. I expect that one day, people will run in fear if they receive a bug-report from me.)

EDIT: I'm half-tempted not to say this, in case I jinx myself again, but it seems to be ok now (and the random misbehaviour and instability that came with it seems to have cleared up, too). I'll test it again in a couple of hours just to be sure, though. :p
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(As I said when I was a newcomer, I have this knack for causing software to behave in ways that it shouldn't, under perfectly normal usage scenarios. :lol: Once again, here I am doing exactly that. I expect that one day, people will run in fear if they receive a bug-report from me.)

The girl effect, I would say.

Sorry for the run around mentioning that script caused (me and my big mouth) but at least a solid solution has been found.
Don't worry about it. :p It would have happened anyway - the .aufs.xino thing was driving me crackers, after all.

(As I said when I was a newcomer, I have this knack for causing software to behave in ways that it shouldn't, under perfectly normal usage scenarios. :lol: Once again, here I am doing exactly that. I expect that one day, people will run in fear if they receive a bug-report from me.)

The girl effect, I would say.

Hah. :p More like an inverse Schroedinbug.
The same kind of empty directories are created on my Pandora as well.

I will look into the script mentioned earlier to fix this soon.

However also a lot of (useless?) files are created in the Appdata folders when I run their PND's: fuse_hidden(followed by long number)

There is this file 63kB and then a lot of smaller files 3/4kB, amount increasing if I use a programm often.

Is there a way to avoid this?