My Wishlist!


Still Fresh
Oct 24, 2011
Hi, just wanted to say thank you to all the guys putting in the effort on the caanoo emulators and apps.

I have made up a wishlist based on my experiences with the caanoo, if someday these issues could be fixed, integrated or built, that would be very cool.

-C64 Emulation, Frodo and Vice simply need to run faster and be better optimized, only half the games i have tried on both ran at a decent speed.
Disk access also makes the emulators crawl, demos rarely run well.
Would also be nice to see frodo add overclocking support. And vice needs something to speeds up load times!

-Amiga Uae4all, Needs the controls fixed, the space bar(2nd button in a lot of commodore games) isn't assigning to the buttons!

-Pcsx4all Rearmed, Touchscreen support for L2+R2 buttons??, needs screen scaling fixed!

-Mod/Sid player! We desperately need a sid player!!

-Speech synthesis app! Like Sam, Sh#ttalker etc.

-Text editor with touchscreen keyboard!

And that's just off the top of my head lol..

If anyone could work on these, it would be much appreciated.

sebt3 said:
With such a long wish list, you'd better learn to code asap.

Hi, lol if i could code it i would, but i can't:(

Considering this topic is called Caanoo Cool Ideas and other wishes, i thought it was the appropriate place to throw out some ideas and fixes for people who can code?

If the coders aren't made aware of bugs and issues in current programs, then they won't know what to fix will they lol. Some of the things i listed would only take a minor fix from the coder to make the program even better for everyone. Example, the amiga 2nd button issue!

As for programs that haven't been made for the caanoo yet, a good idea from someone else might spark a coders attention:)

I think i also speak for a lot of people when it comes to ideas like a c64 sid player for the caanoo!

And a mute person might find a caanoo very handy if there was a text to speech app to take anywhere with them!

Thanks again, Hansel.
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Hansel75 said:
Hi, lol if i could code it i would, but i can't:(

Considering this topic is called Caanoo Cool Ideas and other wishes, i thought it was the appropriate place to throw out some ideas and fixes for people who can code?
Sorry if you found my post arsh. it wasnt the goal. I just wanted to make clear that not all the devs have the same wishlist. In fact most already have many targets set and wont work on your targets. With luck some of your wishs will fit what a dev is planning, or interest him. But the probability that all your wishes will be granted in a year timeframe is close to 0.
In this timeframe you could learn to code and maybe fulfill one of your need ;)

Hansel75 said:
If the coders aren't made aware of bugs and issues in current programs, then they won't know what to fix will they lol. Some of the things i listed would only take a minor fix from the coder to make the program even better for everyone. Example, the amiga 2nd button issue!
Sure ! But then, 99% of the software available for caanoo have already a thread (or more) about it. If you want to make sure Notaz notice about your finding for his PSX emu you'ld better post in the right thread as Notaz might not read this thread while he monitor his release thread for sure.
Same goes for the others stuffs that already have a thread ;)
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Good job making the wish-list Hansel75! Good initiative! I mean, it can't hurt trying... right?
Some of your wishes are already fulfilled.
The latest Pcsx Rearmed support touchscreen for L2/R2 buttons and GMU Music Player supports mods(I didn't try sid-modules).
That's not too bad for such a short time, since you opened this thread.
Hi Akabei, yes it's great to see:)

I have already thanked Notaz in the rearmed forum, but again it's very much appreciated Notaz!
Pcsx rearmed's new touchscreen options for L2+R2 work prefect for me, awesome. Screen scaling seems to be working nicely to:)

Gmu is great for mp3/mods, i used to just use milkytracker to play mods, it's nice to have a standalone mod player now like Gmu! Thanks for the Gmu port:)

But sadly Gmu doesn't appear to have sid support!
I could not load any sid files and to my knowledge(correct me if i'm wrong), i don't think Gmu has any sid support.

I have tried oldplay through ginge to play sids, they played but were all distorted. Maybe someone could port oldplay to the caanoo?

Thanks all for the fast and excellent work, Hans!

PS: Anyone know of any text to speech apps like sam/sh#ttalker that could easily be ported to the caanoo?
I only ask as i have a mute brother who also owns a caanoo, he would find it very handy when communicating to people!
Hansel75 said:
Gmu is great for mp3/mods, i used to just use milkytracker to play mods, it's nice to have a standalone mod player now like Gmu! Thanks for the Gmu port:)

But sadly Gmu has no sid support! I could not load any sid files and to my knowledge(correct me if i'm wrong), i don't think Gmu has any sid support.

I have tried oldplay through ginge to play sids, they played but were all distorted. Maybe someone could port oldplay to the caanoo?
Have you tried ommpc for SID playing ? it should work (or maybe I'm mixing with audacious...)
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sebt3 said:
Hansel75 said:
Gmu is great for mp3/mods, i used to just use milkytracker to play mods, it's nice to have a standalone mod player now like Gmu! Thanks for the Gmu port:)

But sadly Gmu has no sid support! I could not load any sid files and to my knowledge(correct me if i'm wrong), i don't think Gmu has any sid support.

I have tried oldplay through ginge to play sids, they played but were all distorted. Maybe someone could port oldplay to the caanoo?
Have you tried ommpc for SID playing ? it should work (or maybe I'm mixing with audacious...)

Hi,Ommpc does not play sid files for me, ommpc's readme doesn't mention anything about sid support either unfortunately!

So neither Gmu or Ommpc have sid support, to my knowledge there is no player available for the caanoo that does!

An oldplay port to the caanoo might be an option if someone was willing to try it.

This is the Gp2x version of Oldplay that i am talking about-

""A player for old computer formats. Uses libsidplay1, libmodplug and UADE and so supports over 150 formats, including sids and mods."",0,0,0,6,1154

Thanks, Han!
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