My Suggestion For Newbie Members


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2003
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Hey, it seems to me that most flames are started by newbies or myself :P and are done in the general talk forum. THerefore I propose that all new members that sign up should be able to read topics but not post at all in the General talk until they either have a certain amount of posts or after a certain amount of days. Anyway let me know what you think. It might be a stoooopid idea. ;)
Seems to me there are a lot of people out there who enjoy flamin, judging by the response some newbies questions get, I cant really see what the problem is, Christ there aint that many posts in a day anyway.
after a special time is better, else it only will make spam.
but i dont think that its a realy good idear, when they dont can talk in gerneral they but it someware else in where tehy can, only more moving for the mods.
Heh heh - make all links point to "Search" for those with <20 posts :D

Why not have big text on the registration page saying "Use the Search and the stickies before making a post" and put a checkbox in that must be checked to proceed.
oh please, let's just stop having these discussions... they should be held by moderators... we are not the ones running these boards (thank god, 'cos then I think these convo's would make me die)...
oh please, let's just stop having these discussions... they should be held by moderators... we are not the ones running these boards (thank god, 'cos then I think these convo's would make me die)...
Well this is under suggestions and those are discussed by moderators...

Any of these rules would only be draconian (and wouldn't really work, would just hinder people in getting answers)
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