My Smc Card Lost 20 Megs I Dont Want To Format It

Aug 8, 2004
my smc card lost 20 megs and i dont want to format it. the folder MOVIE has disappear with a avi movie of 20 megs. ouch. i take 2-3 hours to do my card. I copy again my 20 megs avi in the movie folder but my 20 megs are lost anyway. there's a trick to recover (recuperate) my 20 megs lost without formatting my card ? or theres any program that can do this

thank you !!

( a another reason why i dont want to format it , it because when i format my card my savegame (savestate) dont work anymore even if when i backup them and copy them on my new formated card at same palce. and worst i dont know how to use srm save with fgen and opensnes because it dont work)

if you can help me with any of my 3 problems you're welcome LOL
thank you all
You were using the GPManager beta to delete I'm guessing?
If so I've had the same problem and sorry... the only option to get that space back is to format (I had a blank 128MB SMC one day with 3MB free)
i use gp manager and pclink1.3, sometime gp manager sometime pclink, hmm maybe its not a good idea to use the 2 program on the same smc card ..
save all you stuff to your Hard Drive then Format then drag the stuff back on :P

Only takes 5 mins MAX :D
Have you tried smc recovery tool on pacrom... also use gpdrive or an smc writer to make transfering files easier.