My Screen Protector Broke!


Dec 19, 2005
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I had it in my jacket.
By accident, I "throwed" my jacket down on the chair. Saddly enough, my GP2X did hit the armlends (is that English?) and caused a big crack on my screen...

Where do I get a new screen protector?

sorry for bad English guys..

Thanks in advance,

The following product posted above is only a screen protector, the one's that stick on to protect an existing screen, quite unfortunately =[
The "Screen protectors" advertised on various websites are thin sheets that stick on top of your screen cover in order to protect your screen cover from scratches. They are not the actual hard-plastic screen cover that you are looking for.

I don't know of any shops that offer replacements for these, so I think you really have 3 options:
1. Make your own screen cover - many people do this anyways as glass screen covers are much better than plastic ones. You may also be able to pay someone to make you a glass screen cover, but it may be expensive as they aren't mass produced.
2. contact whoever you got your gp2x from and see if you can purchase a new one from them. My guess is that they would be willing to help if they could.
3. Live with it the way it is :(

I hope this helps,
that's sad.. :(

this is why i got into the habit of always putting it back into its case when i'm finished... far too many scratches on my gp32 taught me that..
2. contact whoever you got your gp2x from and see if you can purchase a new one from them. My guess is that they would be willing to help if they could.

This would be the option I would follow first.

You could, if you trust yourself remove the broken protector and use it is. I used mine like that for the first couple of days when I got it back in November.

Sorry to hear what happened, I hope you get it fixed soon.
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I'd get a piece of glass cut to size, I got mine for the GP32 for free -- they just cut me a piece of scrap to size. Oh, and make sure it is stuck-on well.