My New Project


UFO Robot
Feb 25, 2003
here my new vector drawer, its going to be a editor for levels and ships for an indoor asteroids clone (like descent meets asteroids).

at the moment it just has:

Button B: draw
Select: Freaky spiky thing (just added it for no reason, lol) (maybe to change goodie ships into freaky bad ones)

ill add file saving then loading also later on.

Would like to know how it can slow down this thing cos id like to place the lines slowly because at the moment it draw 1000 lines :D when i could just draw 10 for the same object.

and id like to slow down because ill have a trigger for selecting filesave number, i mite have 10 file save slots (dont want it whizzing past all the numbers, so u can just click triger and it changes by one number.)

try it out guys :D

ooo i think that this is the firat thing you have coded?

Yay! Another coder!!

Hows coding working out for you?

I wanted to try once, but i suck.
heres a todo:

hide unused lines from the drawing.
add rotation round the centre of the screen.

might change to sets of lines instead of a whole group of lines.
Deleted User posted on Sep 1 2004 at 08:39 PM said:
ooo i think that this is the firat thing you have coded?

Yay! Another coder!!

Hows coding working out for you?

I wanted to try once, but i suck.

well it might first seious project with the mr mirko lib.

i did do a platformer game project on the official sdk but its was bloating badly cos i had .c files for the graphics, and some file loading problems e.i. loading the custom levels. this mr mirko lib seems very easy compared.

i get kinda lazy at the start of a project i dont know where to start so u can see its very simple then i add features everytime once my program is well structured.
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jlebrech posted on Sep 1 2004 at 09:15 PM said:
Would like to know how it can slow down this thing cos id like to place the lines slowly because at the moment it draw 1000 lines :D when i could just draw 10 for the same object.
How about this:
void drawstuff()
  unsigned int endwait = GpTickCountGet() + 1000;

  /* do drawing stuff */

  while( endwait < GpTickCountGet() );
That will at least work for your first demos until you'll need something more sophisticated, like threads.

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jlebrech posted on Sep 1 2004 at 07:15 PM said:
here my new vector drawer, its going to be a editor for levels and ships for an indoor asteroids clone (like descent meets asteroids).

at the moment it just has:

Button B: draw
Select: Freaky spiky thing (just added it for no reason, lol) (maybe to change goodie ships into freaky bad ones)

ill add file saving then loading also later on.

Would like to know how it can slow down this thing cos id like to place the lines slowly because at the moment it draw 1000 lines :D when i could just draw 10 for the same object.

and id like to slow down because ill have a trigger for selecting filesave number, i mite have 10 file save slots (dont want it whizzing past all the numbers, so u can just click triger and it changes by one number.)

try it out guys :D


Great, if this code works real well maybe you can give a version to the guy that did the Vectrex emu. He said that his vector routines made it real slow. Maybe this would help.
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