My LCD cable has suddenly failed (no warning, no tint); Also, what's my order number?!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
Ack. In a stroke of irony, after writing my old-timer review a day or two ago and essentially saying in it that I didn't expect anything to fail on my unit because it probably would have done so already, a few minutes ago my LCD cable very suddenly went into failure mode. There was no warning, no rainbow-hued-tint-of-death, nothing. When not opened all the way, it will display something that alternates between a blank nothingness, bright white horizontal lines near to the middle of the screen, very faint rainbow-coloured lines all over the screen, less faint rainbow-coloured lines all over the screen, and sometimes a jumping or rolling or messed-up (or all three) picture.

Now, I know that this is something I'm personally not capable of fixing, so I'm left with a couple of questions, and a problem. First, the questions;

1: When would it be best to send the unit in?

2: How long would the turnaround be at this time?

And now, the problem: The problem is that, whilst I am usually quite well-organised on the e-mail front, I accidentally deleted my old confirmation e-mails back in December, and I have also misplaced my invoice from last June as well. Accordingly, I don't know my order number! If I drop an e-mail to Jacquelyn from the address I have used throughout my dealings with the company, will it be possible to match me to my order number that way?

Thanks in advance for any help that can be offered. :)

(Meanwhile, across town: The video game villains of the world breathe a sigh of relief as they discover that Prometheus won't be coming after them for a while longer.)
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lets hope the other lady on the other side of the emails didnt delete the emails, so im sure she could just forward them to you if you use the same email address, you might have to prove that youre you though, maybe some megaman trivia or something
Worry not, Prometheus! I will fight Dr. Wiley in your absence!

*Runs off to battle 8 robot bosses*
If I drop an e-mail to Jacquelyn from the address I have used throughout my dealings with the company, will it be possible to match me to my order number that way?

Jacquelyn had my order number to hand when I requested RMA, so I'd say you'd be fine.
That's typically bad timing. Sorry for your loss.

I've got a holiday next week and though I knew mine was on failing legs, it started losing the touchscreen recognition every now and then yesterday on top of the tint of doom, so definitely no time to RMA now! :lol:
Jacquelyn had my order number to hand when I requested RMA, so I'd say you'd be fine.
Ah! Thankyou very much, that's very helpful to me. :)

@MarioPandio - I hope you have a good holiday, even if your Pandora is acting up!

@Everyone else - Thankyou. Most of the posts in this thread have had me chuckling. :P
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Jacquelyn had my order number to hand when I requested RMA, so I'd say you'd be fine.
Ah! Thankyou very much, that's very helpful to me. :)

@MarioPandio - I hope you have a good holiday, even if your Pandora is acting up!

@Everyone else - Thankyou. Most of the posts in this thread have had me chuckling. :P

Sorry to hear that! hope you get it sorted ASAP
So was this your third or fourth, Im gettin my fourth this thursday. I guess we are having a race who beats who to having the most broken pandoras ;)
So was this a pre-video cable fix (solder blobs) or post-video cable fix failure?

If it's a post fix failure I wonder what is happening to the cable. My original DS (bought on launch day) had it's hinge completely busted off and virtually hanging by the cable, glued, busted, glued busted THEN it failed. Well, Maybe it won't boot up now and does light up for a second so maybe it hasn't but I'm sure it's got to be at least partially damaged by now.

I guess without an MRI it may be difficult to understand what happens to make it fail :D

I wonder if it's going to become a major issue later on after all of the first batch is out.

I hope not, I wonder if the new ones they want to eventually make (or are they making them already?) will solve this. I'm just curious about how much a new cable will cost when they make them as it may be a good idea one day to send it in to have that upgraded eventually.

once I receive it,I want my Panda to live forever!
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So was this your third or fourth, Im gettin my fourth this thursday. I guess we are having a race who beats who to having the most broken pandoras ;)

People! The Pandora is NOT approved to be used as a hammer, a chopping block, or playing "keep away."

This message brought to you by the Council Against Pandora Abuse, and also by a guy who just got his and never wants to have to RMA it.
Yeah, "Do not use the Pandora for the following" thread coming soon?

Do not use it as a block to keep the car from rolling away.

Do not use it to balance the dining room table/chair.

Do not use it as a pretend grenade whilst playing outside.

Do not use it as a bulls-eye for Crossbow practice.

the list could continue near indefinitely.

In all seriousness, he seems to have my luck. I can only hope just this once something goes right for me when mine arrives. I just don't think I could handle it after waiting so long in combination with all the other things gone wrong in my life.

The good news is he seems to be way outside the norm when it comes to Pandora problems. :::crosses fingers:::

Sorry to know you two are experiencing so much trouble. It seems odd that one or even two people could have so much bad luck with one item. It would be different if most people had these problems repeatedly.
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unbelievable! Gee, what, 5th time??
So was this your third or fourth, Im gettin my fourth this thursday. I guess we are having a race who beats who to having the most broken pandoras ;)
Third. :P I am behind you in this race.

I guess I'll drop an e-mail to Jacquelyn now. My only real concern was the lost order number, and going on fr4n's post that should hopefully not be a problem.

Sorry to know you two are experiencing so much trouble. It seems odd that one or even two people could have so much bad luck with one item. It would be different if most people had these problems repeatedly.
Murphy is still around, evidently. :lol:
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Sorry for your Loss, but fear not a new unit will be with you in the near future. I don't know if the serial number on the sticker under th pandora, actually inside the pandora will help as it tells you what number your pandora is, i.e. which number made, If OP keep a record of this number and thats If they do then they should be able to locate your details e.t.c, but maybe they just grab any pandora and send it off with invoice

worth a try, and hope you get a new pandora back soon


^ Serial numbers after 100 are not in order, but that's a fair point. I would imagine they might know who got which one.

So was this a pre-video cable fix (solder blobs) or post-video cable fix failure?
I missed this earlier, my apologies. It's a unit from after the solder-blobs issue had been resolved.

EDIT: Quick update; It's being sorted out now. Need to send it in. :)
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