My Joystick Has Broken!!


Active Member
Mar 1, 2004
Damn, I'm annoyed. Just as a good speccy emu finally arrives (havn't tested it yet mind) I switch my GP on and the joystick doesn't work!!

Well, all directions work except down which works (Very) intermitantly. Diagonals never really worked.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to go about fixing this? Or are there any companies out there that can fix/replace the damn thing?

I played on my GBa the other day for the first time ina while - it feels so much nicer than my GP. Damn that shoddy joystick, damn it to hell!

any help would be greatly appreciated.
First way to fix it, potentially, is to give the joystick a good yank; if you slide it a little bit further up the spindle, you may find it makes better contact with the microswitches.

However, if a cardinal direction (i.e. up down left right) is dead, that might imply there's some bent plastic, in which case either get it fixed on warrantee if possible, or open it up and try to do some DIY work yourself. Sticking a piece of card to the bottom of the stick could help a bit, though if the plastic is bent it might not.

Either way, definitely try pulling the stick out a bit; worst that happens is it comes off, and the way its made, it's supposed to do precisely that...

EDIT: This is of course assuming there is no click when you press down. If there is, then the switch has gone rather than the stick, and the only thing is to get it repaired - either contact the place you bought it (if its still under warrantee), or find a good electronics person and get them to have a shot at it; people to try might be those who fix radios/TVs. I'm sure there are, however, others among us who could suggest specific places who might be able to do that kind of work. Hopefully at a not too pricey rate :)
From what I know (which is a good amount) the GP32 joystick is engineered just like the NEO GEO CD pad. They use microswitches. First off, does your down still "click" when you push down? If it does, thats an alright sign. :) Next, dissasembkle your GP32 (it aint that bad) and check this site:

try all these methods, and if none of that works, give me a PM, and i can have someone smart from give a look it.

Good Luck!
I have these joystick probems too.
And my up directions doesn't work too.

I've contacted console-fix and told them my problem
and they can repair it.
I'm going to send them my gp32 but at the moment i haven't got the time to
do that. :(