Game Requirements:
Game Files (the to... is the suggested directory to copy to):
Note: This list is far from complete.
* Day of the Tentacle (CD) - Copy the DOTT.000, DOTT.001 to tentacle, if you want sfx/speech, use the below section on compressing the MONSTER.SOU to MP3/OGG.
* Day of the Tentacle (Floppy) - Copy TENTACLE.000, TENTACLE.001, and MONSTER.SOU to tentacle for talk in the intro and sound effects.
* Maniac Mansion - Copy the .LFL files (yes, all of them!) and MANIAC.OVL to maniac.
* Zak McKracken (256color FM Towns) - Copy the .LFL files, ZAK.EXP and track1-23.OGG/MP3 to zak256 (use the Encoding sound to MP3/OGG, CD section lower in this document).
* Sam 'n Max (CD and Floppy) - Copy SAMNMAX.000, SAMNMAX.001 to samnmax, if you want sound turn on sfx/speech, use the below section on MONSTER.SOU to MP3/OGG.
* Simon the Sorcerer 1 (DOS non-talkie) - copy icon.dat, gamepc, all the tables?? files, TBLLIST, all the TEXT?? files, MT_FM.IBK, DISK.ID, all the .MUS files, FREEMEM.SIZ, all the .VGA files to simon1dos. (for speech and sound effects use the below Simon the Sorcerer sfx/speech encoding section).
* Simon the Sorcerer 2 (DOS) - Copy .ADD files, .ADV files, SETD.SND, ICON.DAT, GAME32, TBLLIST, SIMON2.GME, SETUP.MUS, and FREEMEM.SIZ to simon2dos. (for speech and sound effects use the below Simon the Sorcerer sfx/speech encoding section)
* Loom - Copy the .LFL files, DISK01.LEC, and Track1.ogg or Track1.mp3 (use the Encoding sound to MP3/OGG, CD section lower in this document) to loom.
* Indiana Jones 3 - Copy the .ID files, and the .LFL files to indy3.
* Indiana Jones 4 - Copy the ATLANTIS.000, ATLANTIS.001 to atlantis if you want sfx/speech, use the below section on MONSTER.SOU to MP3/OGG.
* Monkey Island 1 (CD) - Copy the MONKEY.000, MONKEY.001 and track1-track23.OGG/MP3 (use the Encoding sound to MP3/OGG, CD section lower in this document) to monkey.
* Monkey Island 2 - Copy the MONKEY2.000, MONKEY2.001 to monkey2.
* Beneath a Steel Sky (CD and Floppy) - Copy all files in the archive to a BASS folder on your SMC.