My Fenix Game

sam fisher

Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2004
Bristol, UK
You have the text (the write commands) in a loop, so text gets written on screen again and again. There is a total of 512 texts on screen, after that it crashes. Just move the write commands out of the loop. :D

Keep on the work, not bad for a first try!

Start making games for the gp32, though :D and maybe you want to take part at my minigame project :) :) :)
cool. Thanks for that :P i will help when i can figure out more. I only started learning on saturday or sunday be cause goity has been helping me so a big thanks to him.

EDITL how did you figure that out?
How I figured that out? It was obvious! :D Had the same problem :D

key(_left) = left
key(_right) = right
key(_up) = up
key(_down) = down
key(_tab) = R
key(_backspace) = L
key(_control) = A
key(_alt) = B
key(_enter) = Start
key(_space) = Select
also i just occasionally get this. COuld someone say what it is?

error de ejecucion en proceso 65561: procedimiento 65553 no activo


I updated it and there is a new version here. Tomorrow im probably gping to work on new game modes and better GFX. It now has sound.
This is how google translates it:
"error of execution in process 65561: nonactive procedure 65553"

Maybe you have to much processes going on? Maybe you`re calling a process in loop? :D
I have no idea what else it could mean...

Edit: Are you killing the processes of the rocks, when they are offscreen (for example if(y>260)return;end; for a rock process)
yes once off screen they are killed if i remember. And it just happens randomly. Goitys pidgeon killer game also suffers from this error.
Yeah, well, nice for a first game!

But why are you using a 320x201 resolution ???

Oh, and why did you get banned again?
i think i did not post a link in the random crap thread and i dont know :huh: ill fix it maybe before school in the morning. And how do you know the resolution.
runescape=crap posted on May 11 2005 at 09:04 PM said:
i think i did not post a link in the random crap thread and i dont know :huh: ill fix it maybe before school in the morning. And how do you know the resolution.

At this rate, All your alias`s will have a higher post count than your proper registered account. :P

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lo li want sam fisher back. Sam fisher is me! look on all forums and find sam fisher! he is there quietly watching from the back ground!

guess whos back back back, back again again again, sam is back back back to spam your friends!
heh, this game is pigeon killer resprited. I practically coded this thing myself. Every single problem....
Goity posted on May 11 2005 at 10:40 PM said:
heh, this game is pigeon killer resprited. I practically coded this thing myself. Every single problem....

O_o Is that true?
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