My Experience With The Gp2x So Far.


Still Fresh
Nov 29, 2005
Well I got mine monday from gbax. The first thing i noticed it was small but i think it fits nice in your hands. My screen cover was stratched when i recieved it. Turn it on everything was fine. Tried to do a firmware upgrade with a Kingston 512 mb sd card, but it never seen the firmware, it would copy the version screen in settings. but the start up was the same and the battery light was still always on. but i didnt have another sd card to try so, then i tried some roms they worked fine. then i tried some movies which none worked just colored snow across the screen but it would not lock up. Also noticed when i pressed the stick to the right when playing nes that the lcd would would ripple in the center every now and then. but today i upgraded the firmware with another sd card. Then movies work! but only for a few seconds before they freeze, but i just put it a fresh pair and it's playing beautiful. I think a lot of the problems people are experiencing just have to do with battery power the device. Thou the screen looks interlaced but that will get better as more firmware is released. Just sharing what i've experienced so far. Just one thing that worrys me is the ripplingof the screen when the stick if pressed to the right. AAnyone else experiencing that?
greg0ry posted on Dec 1 2005 at 02:52 PM said:
Well I got mine monday from gbax.  The first thing i noticed it was small but i think it fits nice in your hands. My screen cover was stratched when i recieved it. Turn it on everything was fine. Tried to do a firmware upgrade with a Kingston 512 mb sd card, but it never seen the firmware, it would copy the version screen in settings. but the start up was the same and the battery light was still always on. but i didnt have another sd card to try so, then i tried some roms they worked fine. then i tried some movies which none worked just colored snow across the screen but it would not lock up. Also noticed when i pressed the stick to the right when playing nes that the lcd would would ripple in the center every now and then. but today i upgraded the firmware with another sd card. Then movies work! but only for a few seconds before they freeze, but i just put it  a fresh pair  and it's playing beautiful. I think a lot of the problems people are experiencing just have to do with battery power the device. Thou the screen looks interlaced but that will get better as more firmware is released. Just sharing what i've experienced so far. Just one thing that worrys me is the ripplingof the screen when the stick if pressed to the right. AAnyone else experiencing that?

U got a faulty unit, the only way u can fix that rippling is to open it up and move the joystick/screen a bit. (you have to open it up)

Return if i were u :P cuz eventually the ripple will be permanent

Im glad your enjoying it thou.. i havent even got a email yet about mine :(
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greg0ry posted on Dec 1 2005 at 10:52 PM said:
My screen cover was stratched when i recieved it.

NO IT ISN'T!!!!!1111

There is a invisible plastic-cover ontop of it. Peel it of and you will have a nice unscrached screen-protector ;)
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The rippling smay be due to over tightening of the case, try unscrewing some of the case screws abit to lessen the pressure.

As for the screen cover being scratched, have you checked it isn't the film for the screen protector that is scratched (and should be removed)?
Well that other screen cover is really invisiable, I just took it off, now the screen looks 10x better than it did with it on. I must say i'm very pleased with device, i everyone i show it to has a great interest in it. I hear kids and people talkingabout on the subway(NYC) some young kid was asking me about it on the way to work this morning. I showed a coworker he thought it was awesome. I can only think that with more firmware upgrades it's only gonna get better. Only the battery wasting, I have to buy rechargables tomorrow but I just put in some fresh duracells and watched a full episode of south park on it to see how much it would impact the battery life. Well after i guess about 20+ mins of playing flawlessly i checked the battery it was half drained . I don't if this will change with rechargeables . Anyone wanna suggest some good rechargeables ?
You guys want to hear my experience with the gp2x?

Well I first recieved it and tried out some movies (many which did not work like mpg-4 and a bunch of self encoded divx files). I viewed some photos on it, just took the sd card right out of my camera and popped it in, pretty cool. Got some nes, snes, and C64 emulation going but only tried them for like 20 min. Then I tried to update the firmware......
Yeah its a fricking brick and no one can help. I have been going insain for the past 2 days now and I see no reason to live now : ( except for the slight hope someone can help me....
reallynotnick posted on Dec 2 2005 at 01:25 AM said:
You guys want to hear my experience with the gp2x?

Well I first recieved it and tried out some movies (many which did not work like mpg-4 and a bunch of self encoded divx files). I viewed some photos on it, just took the sd card right out of my camera and popped it in, pretty cool. Got some nes, snes, and C64 emulation going but only tried them for like 20 min. Then I tried to update the firmware......
Yeah its a fricking brick and no one can help. I have been going insain for the past 2 days now and I see no reason to live now : ( except for the slight hope someone can help me....

go to this link
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well i've had my gp2x for a few days now, almost a week, and i have to say that i'm pretty stoked. it runs well, there are tons of interesting '10 minute break' style things i can do with it, and its just a happy little machine .. sure, there are quirks, but hey .. i know linux, and i know that all quirks result in a scratch or itch or two, so there are reasons to 'keep the faith', so to speak ..

and in the meantime, honest, i've been having a lot of fun with it, really, just playing games and zonking out. as it should be. i really look forward to where things will be in 6 months, in fact, sign me up for the 'next generation gp2x' already, coz i'm hooked .. anyone got a blu+ or whatever gp32 is hep and cool, coz clearly i need to catch up!!!
Is it possible to unbrick a GP2X just through the serial cable rather then the method mentioned above?
Of course I know that link, the problem is I think the u-boot or whatever is screwed. It won't delete the .img files, so it looks bad. Plus I have no intention of buying an expensive serial cable that I have very little chance of getting to work with my mac.
I havent quite seen the need to update mine yet. I mean I saw that first korean update that we have in the archive plus the one that's supposed to improve the Ebook reader and MP3 player, I havent dont anything with the second but the first had no noticeable impact on my 2X because my screen was fine when I got it.

I played couple of videos, Divx .avi files working a hell of a lot better than Xvid .avi and .mpg not working at all. I figured I'd wait a while for news of a serious big deal update to worry about those and went off to install the SDL libs and try the SNES emulator which is very impressive for such an early port (transparancy! swoon!). and then I watched as numerous people complained of the loss of quality they experienced at the hands of the update.

it's very sad to hear the problems you guys ar having and I hope the issues are cleared up before the next offered update.