My Atempt For A Gp2x Friendly Opengl Implementation

I wonder how hard it is to convert engine from floating to integer?

In general this is not a problem.

For quake this is different, because IIRC they used an FPU "trick" that allowed them to
do "free" texture perspective correction (that is, FPU computation of next Z while the bus
is busy to plot 8 pixels linearly interpolated). This trick was very platform specific, so it's
not surprizing if quake is hard to port.
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hmmm could x-moto be portede using this (cause the gamevery cool, if this gets more developed i wonder if we could see games like x-moto being ported (its the only game i care about :) )

but still very nice work, i rcant wait to see what this does
Does this mean quake1 and quake2 can be accelerated? What kind of games do you think could be ported at good framerates? Is tux cart too much for it?
May be an accelerated PSX emu or a possible future for a N64 emulator? Let me dream a bit :D
Bah, not ports or tux cart or that kind of thing (PSX???). Think glpong, gltetris, glpacman, glspace invaders, and changing most of the code to remove the "glitz" to have a simple 3d game.

We can make opengl games from scratch, or port existing lightweight apps from the nokia set that use opengl-ES.

There are a couple of gpl apps that use opengl-ES that I have found source for, and as soon as we have something usable here (the 940 gp2x lib), I will attempt to see what compiles.
Bah, not ports or tux cart or that kind of thing (PSX???). Think glpong, gltetris, glpacman, glspace invaders, and changing most of the code to remove the "glitz" to have a simple 3d game.

Exactly how I see it.
Actually, the GL-ES API is added because it's boring for others to learn yet another 3d rendering API, and because it's
good to know you will be more likely able to port your homebrew on another machine later.

But we can port small GL apps, the better !

We can make opengl games from scratch, or port existing lightweight apps from the nokia set that use opengl-ES.

There are a couple of gpl apps that use opengl-ES that I have found source for, and as soon as we have something usable here (the 940 gp2x lib), I will attempt to see what compiles.

Edit: Something's wrong with the quotes it seams :)
The only one I got were the demo available on kronos web site.
Being C++ windows oriented instead of god old C for unix, I did not tried to port them, and is still looking for some others.

The GL-ES API is still very incomplete, ineficient and bugged, but the 3d renderer behind it is very usuable.
Don't hesitate to have a look !
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Can this be used with SDL? SDL+OpenGL?

This would require many work as the "gpu" handles all the video RAM, in YUV format.
I'm not a SDL fan so I don't think I will ever try.

Would Battalion be a candidate for a simple proof of concept?

Yes, I looked at this when I was looking for simple opengl games to port.

I also tried to reach the author of MGS (gp32 3d game), but without success. If someone know him...

For now, Im adding texture_objects to the GL API, so battalion is not very usefull :o)
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