Mupenplus controls


Active Member
Apr 26, 2011
I have just bought n64 usb adaptor and n64 controller,when i configure with blight plugin and accepts all my configuration and top right it recognises my usb adaptor.

Why is it when i configure my n64 controller then nothing works in the games,not even start button works.
Mupen doesn't support controllers does it?

EDIT: Yeah, from the readme, input has to be changed through the config file. Looks like the config file has specific syntax for all the pandora buttons, and I don't see a way to map an external controller.

EDIT2: Someone commented in another thread that they used a psx controller in mupen, so there must be a way to map it. I just don't know how.
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im gonna go out on a limb here and say this, in the blight config window, click on the plugged tab in the upper right corner, and right next to it, also click through the tab to turn on memory card
If you search back for threads about Xbox 360 controllers, you'll find its possible to use those in Mupen aswell, although I failed to get that going personally but was able to use them in other emus./games.
im gonna go out on a limb here and say this, in the blight config window, click on the plugged tab in the upper right corner, and right next to it, also click through the tab to turn on memory card
I have turned on plugged,selected memory card,in the upper right i selected my usb adaptor,i've done all that but still doesn't work,is it that my usb adaptor doesn't work because you are using adaptoid,where can i find these things,is anyone selling one.

I can send my usb adaptor back to the seller.
if mupen config can see your pad, and you can map the controls to it, it should work
if mupen config can see your pad, and you can map the controls to it, it should work
Yes it does all that,it's weird still won't.

Do i only config only which line goes to the controls.

I will tell you how i connect usb 2.0 hub to pandora then n64 usb adaptor then n64 control pad is this correct?
im gonna go out on a limb here and say this, in the blight config window, click on the plugged tab in the upper right corner, and right next to it, also click through the tab to turn on memory card
Yes it worked,but there is an issue with joystick,when playing mario 64,mario doesn't run fast,just walks even pressed to maximum,do you know why it's doing that.
no i dont, since i use n64 controller, its perfect and is 1:1 to real n64 controls
Have you tried testing this controller in a real system? Could be an issue with the controller itself.
I found out,why the analog stick is not working properly,that is the usb adaptors don't work properly with controllers.

The usb adaptor i have bought has issues with analog stick,it's best to try different one to see the results.