Mupen64: Older Version Please?


Nov 10, 2010
Hi. I finally received my Pandora recently, and I love it. Mupen64 runs great, except for one issue: Ocarina of Time does not work in this newest version.

This is already well-known I realize, but what I would like to do is obtain the version of this emulator that came right before this newest release. Could somebody provide me with the older version of Mupen64 (the one that came right before the newest one)? I cannot find it anywhere. I've tried countless Google searches, and got nothing.

Any help/links/pointers would be much appreciated. Thank you.


PS: Admins, if I posted this in the wrong section, feel free to move it if you wish
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Seconded, although I'm not sure we'll find one. I asked this question not long ago.

Although since I asked, I found out that the version of Mupen64 hosted on the Pandora Apps page is very outdated. You can find the latest version, which performs much better in many games, in the mupen64 beta testing section on the gp32x forum. That one doesn't work for Ocarina, either, though. Some people have said that you can load a state to get past the "crashes at load screen" problem, but the save/load states don't work either, as far as I know - I think it has something to do with the input plugin, rather than the save/load states themselves. So I don't know of any way to run it.

If you figure anything out, though, let me know
The source of the crash has been found and patched, it just hasn't been released in PND to the general public yet. Maybe in a couple days. :)
wait....the dev thread for Mupen64 on gp32x has been silent for a few weeks now. Where would one find the pnd for the latest release once it's available?
The source of the crash has been found and patched, it just hasn't been released in PND to the general public yet. Maybe in a couple days. :)


That's great news! If what you say is true, I won't need this older version after all. Where are you getting this information? Did you speak to the developer himself? I'm not doubting you, I'm just trying to make sure this wonderful news is for real. :)

wait....the dev thread for Mupen64 on gp32x has been silent for a few weeks now.
The dev thread has been quite active. Perhaps you were looking at the beta thread?

Here is bzfrank finding what is most likely the source of the problem yesterday. Give it a few days for the fix to find its way into the plugin and get all PND'd up. Hopefully, anyway. I shouldn't speak for other developers when I myself am already weeks behind on releasing stuff :P
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you're right, I was looking at the beta thread.

ironically he posted the pnd a minute after you linked me to it.

thanks again!


the link was bad, but at least it's been packaged. close enough
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New version of Mupen64Plus just released with a fixed download link, and guess what, Ocarina of Time runs great!

Here's the link:

Mupen64Plus Download [New Version]

Looks like my problem has been solved. This just made my Pandora even better!
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