Looking For Older Version Of Uae4All - Help Please?


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
Ok, this is probably an odd request, but hear me out, please. :P I'm looking for the older version of UAE4All, that was released prior to the "UAE4All Additions" versions.

The reason for this is that at least one game that worked back then does not work on the new versions, no matter what core and Hz is used, and, vitally, the option to have the "A" game button as fire, and the "X" game button as up (ideal for platformers) seems to have been removed from the current versions, making the control scheme unfortunately completely unusable for me. I don't have crab-claws, so I can't use "X" as up and "B" as fire. :lol:

Alternatively, if anyone can tell me how to set up the controls to my liking in the newer versions, and how to get the game Scooby-Doo & Scrappy-Doo working, I would be most grateful. :P
Prometheus said:
Ok, this is probably an odd request, but hear me out, please. :P I'm looking for the older version of UAE4All, that was released prior to the "UAE4All Additions" versions.

I might have what your looking for, ill check my pnds and see if i have something i released.
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Hmm, that's strange, I think I use the latest version, and this control scheme is still available (go to the advanced options with B, then it's the last option, IIRC). It isn't there in your version?
There are only two options available in the version I'm using, and neither one of them has "A" as fire and "X" as up/jump.
Hmm, in fact I think there is mistake in the option label. I just tested Turrican with the "Jump:X -- Button 1:B" option, and it works fine (I mean I fire with A, I jump with X, and I launch the smart bomb with B ) .

Maybe what it really means is: "Jump:X -- Regular fire(button 0):A -- Optional fire(Button 1, some joysticks had this one): B )

I suppose it would make sense...
Thanks, I suppose that makes sense...

I'm still very stuck regarding Scooby-Doo & Scrappy-Doo, though, alas. :lol:
Please pardon the double-post, I just wanted to post a quick update to this.

I learned a couple of days ago that the current UAE4All versions will crash out if you try to load a game with special-characters in the filename. That was why Scooby-Doo & Scrappy-Doo was crashing, not because the game has become incompatible. :P Accordingly, everything is fixed now, and I don't need to trouble anyone for the older version, anymore.

Thanks for your help, chaps. :)
Prometheus said:
Please pardon the double-post, I just wanted to post a quick update to this.

I learned a couple of days ago that the current UAE4All versions will crash out if you try to load a game with special-characters in the filename. That was why Scooby-Doo & Scrappy-Doo was crashing, not because the game has become incompatible. :P Accordingly, everything is fixed now, and I don't need to trouble anyone for the older version, anymore.

Thanks for your help, chaps. :)

ok, great
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