Multiple GP32s.. Easy!


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Thanks to I've now got a frontlit GP32.... w00t!

(And also a normal GP32.. guess I'll sellit to a buddy)

As expected, free launcher woudl wedge on the new unit due to it being set up for the previous units ID. I didnt' have to create a new GP account.. just logged in with my old account, did the Sign In with the GPAuth tool, did the Auth butotn to submit the ID, and downloaded Free Launcher.

Flip to the install tool and do File -> Install.. error. Delete the old Free Launcher, then Install and all is well.

I've not tried trhe SMC in my old unit again, but I woudl assume the free launcher doens't work with it.. but who knows.. I can try it later and see if it perhaps works with both, thguh I dont' see how it could.

So I'm up and going with the FLU unit :)

Good to hear and glad it wasn't too much of a pain (especially if I ever buy an FLU unit!). Did you try renaming the Freelauncher to see if it still worked (so you could install it twice) or consider using windups with the multi-firmware to direct boot? Curious as to if either of those suggestions from an earlier topic on this work okay.
Arutha posted on Apr 22 2003 said:
Good to hear and glad it wasn't too much of a pain (especially if I ever buy an FLU unit!). Did you try renaming the Freelauncher to see if it still worked (so you could install it twice) or consider using windups with the multi-firmware to direct boot? Curious as to if either of those suggestions from an earlier topic on this work okay.
I'd skipped the idea of renaming it, but it probabyl woudl work.. if the GP would know enough to list both launchers as available so you coudl pick one.. it shoudl work fine. I'll try that if I've got the old one kicking around :)

I've ignored the idea of updating to 3rd party firmware; sounds like it shoudl mostly work, but that small chance is enough to deter me. Especially since even if it does work, you could have problems with some games, etc.. just doesn't seem worth it. I really dislike Wind Ups anyway.. too many pushes to get anywhere, so the benefit doesn't outweigh the risk.

I'd realyl like an alternate to free launcher though.. one that acts almost liek free launcher, but alphabeticizes the list, and lets you page up/down with left/right, and doesn't use that ugly background :)

I suppose I could update to the firmware, and then use something other than windups.. my own mini launcher as detailed above woudl be easy to whip up. Thats somethign to think about..

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