Free Launcher Question


Feb 10, 2003
Do I understand correctly, that the free launcher has to be matched to the id number of your gp32?

If that is the case, how do these BIOS programs that don't require the free launcher to launch free code work?

Is the id number in hardware or BIOS? Is it that the id is in hardware, but code in the BIOS requires the "matched" free launcher?

With the current problems getting the free launcher from the Game Park site, would Pacrom installation be a solution?
I'm not really sure about the id thing and I dunno if it has to be matched or not...but you still need PC-Link to install it either way. Installing Pacrom would be a bit extreme for a beginner! Too many things could go wrong! Patience is the best option...unfortunately...

And yes, I know how annoying waiting to use something you already have is...but that is another story! :P
You are right, the freelauncher app is linked to your GP32 ID, there is no way around that, before you can run anything you need to get that. Fortunatley you dont *have* to get it from the gamepark site and thanks to some real friendly people on #gp32dev you can get a launcher generated for you there using either an old version of PCLink or a program called GPS2 to get your ID.

Once you have freelauncher on there, then the fun starts. Yes you can use freelauncher to run all the emuls & fxe's out there until the cows come home, but it then also lets you run fw.fxe which is what you'll use to flash your BIOS with something like pacrom and the new mr spiv firmware.

If you have pacrom or spiv's BIOS installed you wont use freelauncher anymore, pacrom has a file manager which can launch apps without freelauncher and spiv's new bios not only includes pacrom but also wind-ups which you can also use to launch apps.

As with any flash upgrade, beit your GP32 or your PC, there is always a risk, it's up to you whether or not you think it's worth it. Me personally I got my GP32 last week and flashed pacrom on day 1, now running mr spiv's new rom and I wont go back :)
Fair enough, hehe...well, I may as well make the rest of the install process really, really clear. Just so people can have it up and going in like...-20 seconds. Well, maybe not that quick. All you do is run the PC-Link program, format the card first (it adds directories and so on), and in the file menu there's an 'install' option or something. You install the freelauncher via that. Then all you have to do is put on some programs and you can emulate yourself stupid!