The flightsim works, its very fun but my wife is crap at it .. been meaning to try the Bomberman clone that has multiplayer support, but we haven't gotten around to it yet ..
Okay. So Picodrive has 2 player mode working for some Gunstar Heroes action.
@Pleng: How did it go with Mortal Kombat 2? Any lag issues on the controllers in 2 player mode?
@torpor: Was the flightsim on 2 pandoras or 1 pandora against PC? Any issues?
sory Jdbye, i didnt mean to ignore your post. i just moved out and dont even have net im currently writing this on my dads comp. no i had no idea about an open kailera, sorry i dont have time to do any research if some1 else would like to man the controls, that would be great. as for the short list of games, yeah it is a short list and i hastily grabbed it from the first forum i found that said supported games, im sure the list is bigger, INCLUDING SUPER SMASH BROS
either way i gotta go pandora 4 ever