Multiplayer Idea

The great thing about TINXL and POND (if they both are built correctly) is that the emulator developer doesn't have to care about WHERE the other Pandoras are. The respective backend takes care of it. The best thing to do would thus be to ask the POND dev(s) to implement P2P connections (TINXL will probably not have this feature, since it relies on a lobby server if I have got all this right).

EDIT: @HackModford if the game doesn't have multiplayer, then how can you play it with many players? :P
And if it does have multiplayer, it is trivial to add POND support if the emulator is constructed correctly.
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'JayFoxRox' said:
Its much more likely that emulators will use the video out and external joysticks and gamepads for multiplayer.
Exactly what I was thinking. :)
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Not multiplayer between one pandora and controllers and a tv :angry:


Oh... I'm not understanding this POND stuff?
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'HackModford' said:

Not multiplayer between one pandora and controllers and a tv :angry:

Oh... I'm not understanding this POND stuff?

I know what you meant. But for right now since the pandora isnt even out yet that's all that could be real. I'm just saying that until people get their hands one one of these badboys there isnt much we can do.
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I really don't understand why you want to stream the video... It'd be a lot easier to run one server on one pandora, and client programs on each other pandora, Then you synchronize them. I mean, the game is played by each Pandora, but each event from a Pandora button is broadcasted to others systems...
It's like, hmm... playing replays in worms :D
You see the same "video" on each player computer, but this video isn't sent through the LAN.
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uuuhhh I know a DSP is not a magic bullet but it might be able to compress the video fast enough to send over usb and have the other DSP decode it.... problem would be lantency wouldn't it with the encoding and all
Hey, everyone, cease to post here and move to the new forum! Seriously!
Read the new sticky.
And any video relay system either has already been discussed to death or is implemented already. We don't need another app for this.
dflemstr said:
Hey, everyone, cease to post here and move to the new forum! Seriously!
Read the new sticky.
And any video relay system either has already been discussed to death or is implemented already. We don't need another app for this.

Well, we're not there yet.

As for POND and TINXL, the main problem there is we haven't heard anything about either for months. TINXL for like 6 months. Does anyone know if either are actually being pursued anymore?
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BackAssward said:
dflemstr said:
Hey, everyone, cease to post here and move to the new forum! Seriously!
Read the new sticky.
And any video relay system either has already been discussed to death or is implemented already. We don't need another app for this.

Well, we're not there yet.

As for POND and TINXL, the main problem there is we haven't heard anything about either for months. TINXL for like 6 months. Does anyone know if either are actually being pursued anymore?

No Idea. :\

-God Ginrai
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I remember when PlopperZ posed as me on the wiki and edited the TINXL page to frame me and everyone got mad at me then retroactively at plopper z
I was wondering if it be possible for the Pandora to play multiplayer with the DS and PSP (if the emulators are made). I really doubt somebody I know will have a Pandora, considering there is only 4000 that are being made so far, shipping worldwide. Even though Pandora is the best handheld console, we would probaly feel left out when all our friends are playing with their commercial consoles.
I'm not aware of any DS emulators that have ni-fi (What it uses to communicate DS to DS) and I don't think the ad-hoc library was ever finished. Maybe PSP.
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'JayFoxRox' said:
However, most people won't have any friends with Pandoras so multiplayer will seldomly happen for most of us, and streaming video over the internet next to emulating another system sounds REALLY hard imo. Its much more likely that emulators will use the video out and external joysticks and gamepads for multiplayer.
I'd say that a significant number of second batch pandoras will be sold to friends of first batch owners, and some group of friends already bought more than one. It's not like they have been sent to random points in the population, it's something that spreads more in small clusters by word of mouth.

'HackModford' said:
Ah... yes that's true. But I'm not saying stream the video over the internet. I mean stream it directly to another pandora.
Well, wifi to another pandora is just like the internet, only faster :)

I'm not sure that generic video streaming will work for any game, however; generic solutions already exists, are great for desktop usage, and generally too slow for most games. At least, it would probably give an advantage to the "master" pandora, which is bad.

Maybe it would be feasible to add this kind of multiplayer to certain emulators, optimizing for the target (e.g. sending the image before upscaling, when applicable).
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valhalla: if thats the case, we can still think about it at a later point. But I still think that its not going to happen (atlest we won't get what some people seem to expect..) for a number of reasons which came up. Our best bet is probably VNC.
What you said last makes sense though and thats what the xbox emulators I have seen do too: Only waste one nibble for colors and send a compressed low-res image. But that wouldn't be a generic solution for most things.

What Shaun. said sounds much more likely to me, because most Pandora owners are known to be active in the DS and PSP homebrew scene.
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Many emulators for windows and linux support LAN multiplayer. I suspect, however HackModford is wanting to play games for other platforms that never included this LAN play feature. DosBox comes to mind as a emulator that never supported LAN play.

Open Kaillera [ ] provides an opensource means of linking such LAN multiplayer capabilities into just about any program that a porter wants to invest in. But this would require work for the porter/developer.

What HackModford is pointing toward is a background process, that watches the frambuffer for changes, relays those changes to a client of some kind on the other Pandora, and relays keystokes and button presses back to the host machine. This way no matter what game the host computer is playing, the client can control as if they were using the same machine. The server would be completely separate from the application or game being played, and would not rely on the porter to include any code to make work.

Over USBNet, Adhoc Wifi, LAN, or some other (local) means, many older games which run in lower resolutions, with fewer colors, could be made to stream across with pretty low latency.

Full color 800x480 screens with lots of motion, on the other hand, would be pretty taxing. I would suspect the latency under these conditions would be quite frustrating.

I understand HackModford's rationality. However, I believe that unless someone spends a horrific amount of time perfecting a codec that can balance perfectly compression speed vs bandwidth needs against latency, the client player will always be at a disadvantage because of the lag.
JayFoxRox said:
What Shaun. said sounds much more likely to me, because most Pandora owners are known to be active in the DS and PSP homebrew scene.
I will admit that there are many future Pandora owners who are active in the PSP and DS homebrew scenes. However, I believe that these people in no way comprise the majority of the future Pandora owners. If anything, the majority would be comprised of people from the GP32 and GP2X scenes. I think Emulator multiplayer between these systems would be nice, but I don't think that it is right for you to claim that it is a more likely possibility just because you happen to be partial to those scenes.

-God Ginrai
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'Shaun.' said:
I was wondering if it be possible for the Pandora to play multiplayer with the DS and PSP (if the emulators are made). I really doubt somebody I know will have a Pandora, considering there is only 4000 that are being made so far, shipping worldwide. Even though Pandora is the best handheld console, we would probaly feel left out when all our friends are playing with their commercial consoles.
You can look here to see if there is anyone nearby <_<

Long shot I know :lol:

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JayFoxRox said:
Its much more likely that emulators will use the video out and external joysticks and gamepads for multiplayer.

Has this actually been acknowledged/confirmed by the devs?
Because if it has then I'd definitely have to augment my order to include a TV out cable.

*New first night of Pandora plan*; four blue tooth controllers, one pandora, a *BIG* tv, alcohol and Mario Karts 64 :)

If this isn't possible on the day of release, I'll cry.

Also. this is incredibly off topic, but I'm not going to create a new topic if i can ask here and be shot down instantly :P

The indy game "spelunky" has recently released its source code(via .gmk file I believe) does anyone know about any projects to port it to linux??
and if so possibly to the pandora? I'm fairly sure it would run, though I haven't viewed the source myself, as i don't have gamemaker.

I'd be willing to help in the porting actually. I'm just curious if anyone is already at it,

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Ok concept, but the power to transmit the video parts doesn't seem very doable. Plus the audience for pandora to pandora multiplayer isn't too big I suppose. Perhaps later on.