
GPJosh posted on Mar 2 2004 at 10:17 PM said:
Awesome! B) What features will it have?
Silent eh? ;) Well just a note about MultiFW3, which is under (slow) development. It will (I hope) have the following features like a GDB in flash (almost done), FXE running via USB (done), 32M RAM support (done including MMU patches), Euro release FW (tested, not included), the new Wind-ups (when it gets released) and probably a fixed GpAppExecute()... well eventually this load will be released but at the moment there is no fixed release date or such :)

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Oh.. one more thing. Extensive serial support. Everything that works now with USB will also work with serial cable. Plus other debugging related serial only features are planned. I have also updated DF's pclink a lot e.g. you can now use it to register commercial software etc. Anyway the multifw3 will be developer biased.
Whats Extensive Serial Support?? Is that another EXT Mod we will have to make :D
It's something you'll never use unless you are a developer.
It's like the USB data Transfer with (more?) debugging functions.