Ms Flight Simulator 2004 Any Good?


Jul 12, 2004
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I'm thinking of ordering this game, i've seen a few screenshots and it looks very impressive. was just wondering if anyone here's got it and what they thought of it?



im also thinkin of getting (for the ps2)

internation superstar soccer 3

Sega soccer smash


^anyone got these aswell??
I've got/had them all.

MS Flight Sim always looks better in pictures than it does when you get it.

My PC is no slouch, I have nearly everything turned up to max, and my resolution at 1280x1024 and am still dissapointed with it's graphics...well, the planes and cockpits are great, but the scenery is always rubbish. It only looks good when you get really high and the blurry textures come in...but graphically it doesn't do it for me.

It is a true sim though and a great one at that...very compicated, but if you're into things like that, it should be fun. Don't use the keyboard though, get a joystick with a throttle or something, makes it so much better.

Everyhting is catered for, I flew from Liverpool to the Isle of Man once, you can do it all in real time.


ISS3? Why, what's the point? ISS64 was the greatest football game of its time back in the day, but playing it now is just painful...ISS3 is the same with slighly better graphics. Stay clear and stick with PES.


Sega Soccer Smash> Do you mean Sega Soccer Slam? If so, this game is good in multiplayer but poor in 1 player (aren't all football games), if you can get it cheap to play with your mates then do it I suppose, but it becomes very repetitive and boring after a while. It's like NBA Jam with football, so it's ok for a short while in multiplayer but don't pay a lot for it.


Red Card Soccer is fun in my opinion, it doesn't look pretty, doesn't even play well, but it is just outrageous fun. Kung Fu kickin another player is boss. Again, good in short bursts, good in multiplayer...just watch those keepers that stand still everytime you take a banana shot.

The End.
i'm just looking for some more arcadey type games, cheers for the mini reviews i'll probably pick up a copy of redcard at the weekend, shouldnt cost too much.

i "aquired" microsoft combat flight simulator last night just to see if i actually like flying games, its orite but i didnt really want a flight/fight one so i think i'll grab a copy of fs2002 at the weekend, i think its about £10 so thats not too bad and i can use my ps2 controller with the analog sticks which seems to work well, saves me getting a expensive joystick :)