sounds very good, i was also not very happy with the different names...
some kind of improved and suggestion sounds good,
How about gp_[verb+Obj+Mode] ???
verbs = get, set, init, draw.
[get] if we want an integer/paramater back, always returns something
[set] if we want to change something, could return a parameter
[init] to init a subsystem, could return something
[draw] for grafixs ( sprites, points ) returns nothing
Mode = 8,16. depends on Screen setting, if none, works on both
Obj : if its a Normal name/device, like Sound, Framebuffer,
OBJ : if its a Integer/variable, like RTC, PCLK
The gp_ makes it clear that the user is using this SDK, and not
the official SDK, where all begins with gpName, so everyone can see
on the rush, for what SDK a programm is written.
gp_ChatBoardInit() -> gp_initChatboard()
gp_ScreenClear16(...) -> gp_clearFramebuffer16(...)
gp_SetFont8() -> gp_drawString() [8 is not needed, works in all modes]
gp_GetRTC() -> gp_getRTC()
gp_return_pclk() -> gp_getPCLK
and so on...
gp_SpriteBlit(sprite, x_size, y_size, put_x, put_y, framebuffer) ->
gpBlitSprite(sprite, size_x, size_y, put_x, put_y, framebuffer)
gp_SpriteBlitT(sprite, trans, x_size, y_size, put_x, put_y, framebuffer) ->
gpBlitSprite(sprite, size_x, size_y, put_x, put_y, framebuffer, trans)
i think overloading is a c++ feature...
> When all the noobies come with the euro launch a well formed SDk is the key
Give me some days to change it, iam also finished the 32MB detecting, and rewrote gp_cpuspeed.c for the correct timings.
I think now all is working, ( still working on perfect sound ), so i can set the Version number to : SDK1.0pre1
I dont want to add more high level stuff ( sprite rotating, scalable fonts ) this will only blow up this project, i want a 100% working low level system.