mpeg4s wont play on pandora?

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
Hi,I have vlc player and gnome player installed on my pandora and i also have the community codec pack installed.I downloaded one of evildragons daily videos.gnomeplayer plays only the sound but no picture.Also ripped a movie i own

to my sd card.I used prometheuses handbrake tutorial.I used the windows version of handbrake.Movie doesent play in mp4

format.Am I missing something here.I am trying to get videos to play on my pandy but so far no luck.Any ideas guys.thanks
At least on my beagleboard Videos with Xvid compression seemed to work fine at higher resolutions, even over ethernet to a samba share. I know it's not as good in the visual quality department.. but seems to work fine.
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^ Also, the xv extension doesnt accept input over screen size. I think this could be fixed.

720p H.264 playback is possible on the hw (but not with the current sw), pending kernel with DSP support.
highres (>480) h264 videos won't play (too demanding)

maybe you should try resizing and OC'ing
can i adjust the resolution in handbrake?is that what you mean.are evildragons videos already optimised for the pandora?they dont work for me.what resolution do i need to play it at.My pandy has developed an lcd ribbon problem in the meantime also.drat.have to send it in for repairs in a day or two.
^ Also, the xv extension doesnt accept input over screen size. I think this could be fixed.

720p H.264 playback is possible on the hw (but not with the current sw), pending kernel with DSP support.
what would you
recommend.different resolution?
I had to look up what handbrake was exactly, I didn't know this existed.. but I've always used avidemux for video processing. I think generally if you don't want to resize you videos down, you should avoid using the h264 as a codec, use something with less CPU demand like Xvid. I don't have any apple products so I don't know how these files will work with an apple device, but they should work better on the Pandora.

I'm not sure what you mean about EvilDragon's videos I have yet to see him play any form of multimedia videos on the Pandora.

I don't have my pandora yet so I may not be the best advice, all my fooling around has been with Angstrom and a Beagleboard.
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Sorry I meant evildragons one video per day.My linkI assumed his downloads in mp4 would work on the pandora.Maybe they dont.what is h264 and does avidemux work.
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Sorry I meant evildragons one video per day.My linkI assumed his downloads in mp4 would work on the pandora.Maybe they dont.what is h264 and does avidemux work.

H264/X264 is a Video compression codec. It's well liked because it has good quality with lower bit rates.. but from what I seen it requires extra processor power to do this well. It seems EvilDragon's Videos are encoded with H264. Avidemux is a fairly useful video editor it's much like Virtualdub for Windows, but not entirely straight forward to use. It could be used to re-encode these videos to Xvid..
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H264/X264 is a Video compression codec. It's well liked because it has good quality with lower bit rates.. but from what I seen it requires extra processor power to do this well. It seems EvilDragon's Videos are encoded with H264. Avidemux is a fairly useful video editor it's much like Virtualdub for Windows, but not entirely straight forward to use. It could be used to re-encode these videos to Xvid..
so xvid is a format.have downloaded avidemux.should i rip dvds to this format with avidemux.Excuse my ignorance.
so xvid is a format.have downloaded avidemux.should i rip dvds to this format with avidemux.Excuse my ignorance.

Xvid is a compression codec just like H264.. you can in fact make mp4 files with Xvid compression, but most software may not know how to handle it.

Xvid most gets packaged into an .AVI or a .MKV(Matroska) or .OGG(ogg Vorbis) package format.

Avidemux can do this, but that handbreak seems like it could as well if the Xvid encoder is installed it seems it can output a MKV file.
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so xvid is a format.have downloaded avidemux.
No, Xvid is a codec.

Codec: The way the video or audio is compressed etc

Container (format): The way the encoded data and additional stuff is glued together

Some container formats only work with certain codecs, some container formats like AVI and MKV can be filled with nearly everything.
Xvid is a compression codec just like H264.. you can in fact make mp4 files with Xvid compression, but most software may not know how to handle it.

Avidemux can do this, but that handbreak seems like it could as well if the Xvid encoder is installed.
ok will take a look at handbreak and avidemux and try again.edit have set avidemux to xvid.current format avi and audio set to this right.sorry about all the questions.

edit used codec mp4.container mkv size 600mb.Got dvd working.pixellated image but watchable.plays in half screen mode only.maximised this view to full screen.

Should 600mb rate affect the quality of the rip? should I change this?it is a 2 hour movie dvd.
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In handbrake" i set the video codec to mpeg4(ffmpeg)ticked the box that said 2 pass encoding and set the average bitrate to 1500 the container is set to an mkv file.I clicked start and ripped the dvd(a 2 hour movie)Much better picture quality with these settings.(larger file size,over a gig for the movie)Also for some reason mplayer only displays film in half picture mode(which you can then maximise via the window.
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