external USB DAC


Oct 23, 2009
I am trying to get my AB-1.1 USB DAC to work. It is recognized by lsusb. But I can only use it with smplayer2 which does not play my MP3 files (I have the codec pack installed). All other players I tried (Gnome Mplayer, Rockbox, VLC) have problems. GMPlayer doesn't do anything when I enter "hw:1,0" as mixer device. Selecting the DAC in the VLC Audio menu does nothing, the sound still comes out the internal speaker and rockbox does not have an option to select the output device. I tried renaming the old "~/.asoundrc" and creating a new one with the content:

pcm.!default {

    type hw

    card 1


ctl.!default {

    type hw		  

    card 1


card 1 is the DAC according to "aplay -l". This also does nothing. I really would like to use the Pandora as an audio player on my HiFi System but the internal sound card is really bad (or the layout routing the signals). Any ideas? I have used the USB DAC on Debian machine with a 3.2 Kernel and VLC so I know it works. I also am able to play FLAC files via smplayer2 with the DAC but no MP3 files.
The OP internal sound card kicks asses. What makes you say the contrary ?
I have a nasty humming using the Line out (might be my cable), using the headphone jack its not too bad. I tried recording it but the sound card (XFi Xtreme Music) in my pc has some kind of noise filter activated (I have never used the card to record something). On my TV and HiFi System its hearable. I have the AB-1.1 lying around here so why not use it?
you use a usb DAC, yet youre trying to get mp3s to work while flac is working fine?
I don't know why smplayer2 is unable to play your mp3 files since support should be enabled. Could you post the contents of the mplayer2 log (Options -> View Logs -> mplayer2 log) and confirm you are using the latest version (
This is my personal experience with the internal card and NOT THE DISCUSSION HERE! smplayer2 works fine with mp3 when I select the internal sound card. The SMPlayer2 Version I am using is "0.7.3 r171M d3ca825" (I downloaded it via PNDManager). I checked the log and it has something to do with the floating format. As I said before I was able to play mp3 files via VLC and the same hardware on a Debian system. VLC on the Pandora won't play FLAC at all and selecting the DAC has no effect (as noted above). I attached the log.



Looks like you don't have the codecpack installed.. it's not finding the mp3 decoder..


Okay never mind, I just looked at the first set of errors..

Edit: although something doesn't look right with the device name entered in for alsa, would it still be using this device name if it's going through a USB device?

Failed to initialize audio driver 'alsa:device=hw=1.0'
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^ note that you have to run this pnd, which will then install things - it is an installer, not the libraries themselfs
This is my personal experience with the internal card and NOT THE DISCUSSION HERE! smplayer2 works fine with mp3 when I select the internal sound card. The SMPlayer2 Version I am using is "0.7.3 r171M d3ca825" (I downloaded it via PNDManager). I checked the log and it has something to do with the floating format. As I said before I was able to play mp3 files via VLC and the same hardware on a Debian system. VLC on the Pandora won't play FLAC at all and selecting the DAC has no effect (as noted above). I attached the log.

I think that means your DAC doesnt support floating point sample format.

Could you try the following?

Under Preferences -> Advanced -> Options for MPlayer -> Options: Enter "--format=s32le" (without quotes)

Then try to play another mp3 file with your external DAC.

If that doesn't work, maybe try some other formats taken from "mplayer --format=help"

mulaw alaw mpeg2 ac3le ac3be ac3ne imaadpcm u8 s8 u16le u16be u16ne s16le s16be s16ne u24le u24be u24ne s24le s24be s24ne u32le u32be u32ne s32le s32be s32ne floatle floatbe floatne
Could you try the following?

Under Preferences -> Advanced -> Options for MPlayer -> Options: Enter "--format=s32le" (without quotes)

Thanks man, its working!
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