Mp3 Music In Background


Namer of the New GP2X
Oct 29, 2004
I'm Lost
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i think it would be cool (but extremely difficult) to have a program that runs your mp3's that are on your gp32 in the background while using other programs like the main for me at least is Doom and some other ones. but i mean it would be kinda cool.
Extremely difficult is an understatement. You'd need to write a transparent layer to sit between the program you were running and replace the sound signals with its own. But that takes memory - which most GP32 programs *cannot* give up. It also takes CPU time - MP3 takes about 66MHz, so Doom or emus would all run at a crawl at best.

Assuming, of course, that it is even possible to write a transparent layer that could sandbox off one program from the rest of memory given the way FXEs are loaded (i.e. they get full control of the GP32's hardware, and all memory gets wiped). This I don't know, seeing as I'm not a programmer.

Nice idea though - just much easier to use a walkman.
i asked sthg similar once...but i wanted MP3 playback and analysation for use in the vib ribbon, if you know the game (sound is used to create levels).
MP3 and Ogg take a hellish amount of CPU time to decode.

The vib-ribbon game would be easier to implement with a tracker-based format like MIDI and MOD, and it would run a lot faster.
yeah, midi or mod is faster but sounds...umm...not as good as mp3.....but i'd be impressed by a vib-ribbon style game anyway ((: but real vib ribbon style, what means every different music gives a different level.... would be G-R-E-A-T
I think MOD sounds just as good as most recorded music formats, possibly better in many cases (particularly with MP3's famous "ear-raping" compression).

It's also a hell of a lot easier to insert hooks into the playback interface to build the levels for a Vib-Ribbon style game.