Mp3 + Emulation Audio...


Oct 8, 2008
I'm not getting any audio when using something like Picodrive if I have Audacity running and playing an mp3. What am I doing wrong? Is this not supported by the Pandora right now? Is it just the combination of programs I'm using?

Any insight would be great. I'd love to be able to listen to mp3s while playing games but still have game audio ..
I guess mplayer/audacity somehow lock out the sound driver. I don't think there's a way around it unless the emulator coders can find some way around it.
Make sure no programs are using OSS.

For mplayer (and likely gnome player as well), add this to a file named config within .mplayer (note the dot (.), it may be 'hidden' by default) in your home directory:


As for SDL based programs, I'm not sure how to permanently set the driver other than adding this to your .bash_profile (in your home directory, again note the dot (.) or whatever is the correct file for this on the pandora):

export SDL_AUDIODRIVER="alsa"


Before anyone goes on a thing about OSS being better than alsa or something else, just remember that the OSS on the pandora is going through alsa. It's just an emulation. Someone did note that going through OSS gives lower CPU usage, and this is probably because it bypasses soft mixing and resampling(if needed). There are cases where this is beneficial of course, since resampling is generally something you want to avoid if necessary, but if you ensure all your outputs are 44100hz (or a factor of that is usually OK), fidelity shouldn't be affected.