Movies Dont Really Work


Still Fresh
Jul 10, 2008
hello, i`ve put 2 different movies on my card and the 1st was just a blank screen with no sound and the 2nd was just the movie with no sound, what am i doing wrong?

[What is it with everyone using multiple question marks when asking a question? - Mod]
What format are they in, Avi, Wmv, Mov, 3gp, Mp4 etc ?.

Are you a windows user ?, If so, You may want to run your movies through Pocket Divx Encoder.


If your a Linux user, I`m not sure what to recommend, As i have only been using Xubuntu for a few weeks.

If you are a Mac user, Are there actually any video encoders ?. < (I`m kidding), Honestly. :D

trooper said:
If you are a Mac user, Are there actually any video encoders ?. < (I`m kidding), Honestly. :D
I use Visual Hub (google it), it's not really an encoder, but it works.
Not sure if it's what you're looking for, but it converts anything to anything. Everything I've converted with it has worked on my GP2X. If I get a DivX file that doesn't work with it, I just convert
Again, not sure if it's what you need, I'm not even 100% sure what 'encode' means :P (don't explain), but I seem to be missing my geeky side today. Not even likely that you have a Mac. I Just thought I'd add.
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