Moviepark - where to install??


Still Fresh
Someone please help,, I have got Moviepark and the file is named "MPark_en.zpk" but where do i have to copy and paste this file on my GP32 to get it to run?? also where do the avi files need to be placed to be able to select them?

Thanks to anyone who can help me
pretty sure it has a filebrowser havent used mine for a while i belive there is a DIVX folder in root though. so maybe use that would b easier.

you will have to setup pc link and install it using that.
yes i understand how to use the pc link up, i do not have a problem with that the problem is which directory do i put the moviepark file into on the GP32s SMC, and also the avi files that i want to play. I have had lots of games playing by putting the fxe files into GMM but im not sure where this zpk file needs to be
Of course, i have already used that proccess to install free launcher, but it had not occured to me that i may have to do it with this moviepark program

thanks for the prompt
yes i have got it installed ok now, my next problem is getting my avi files to play, i have tried a couple and the GP32 just resets itself when i select them. Does this mean i will have to convert the avi using VirtualDub and the Divx Codec 4.12 compression setting??
movie park can't play divx files in the format that you download them in. you must chage the frame rate resolution, sound and video bit rate to the format that movie park uses to get them to play.