Movie Park Upgrade


Still Fresh
Aug 12, 2003
I bought Movie Park A long time ago, like 6 months now I read at gp32emu about getting the upgrade for movie park for the 5 fps upgrade so I go to buy it. Little problem I dont remember my Id and password so I do the little search for ID I put in my email address and the system tells me it is sending my ID to my Email adress ..... I wait ..... I wait... Nothing happens So I deside to go ahead and sing up again so I can go ahead and get my upgrade. So I set up my new ID and stuff go to buy the Upgrade but I cant it says it for movie park owners only and that I would have to buy movie park first. So then I go and fiddle with the ID search again. Again it tells me that it is sending me my ID I wait .....I wait ..... Well Well NOTHING So I get the Idea to search for the ID the I had just created to get in after all this time and it tells me it is sending me that on BUT nothing ever happens. So I deside the heck with it Ill just dish out the cash and buy the origanal Movie Park AGAIN But guess what SURPRISE its no longer for sell So what do I do??
Are you sure you are checking the right e-mail account (the one you used to create tha account on joygp)? Just buy gpcinema with a new account.
I just tried to do that but when I confirm my payment option it tells me my gp32 is not registered. So I went and registered it again then tried then registered it agian still nothing. Give my a break right. What do you think about that one??
Hey I just registered a few more times and still no good news. I wonder if ill just have to wait a few days or something I shure dont remember haveing to wait back when I first got this puppy.
Well, yes Come on give me some credit it might say newbie beside my name but I have just been out of the game for a few months. Now if I had registered with gamepark under a diffrent ID and Password way back when i'm not for shure but after I re registered with ent ware I used the same ID and password to perform the auth registeration and I checked at and I have no trouble loging on with the same ID and password So i guess that means that the ID was what im useing now at entware everything should be working Damn Damn Damn. O well I say that entwares got A Q and A guy so I shote him a few emails with my info mybe he can look me up on their computer. That akll I cant think chould help me out at this point.
this is what I did. I was screwing up useing the gamepark authwiz not entware auth wiz. So Go ahead and say it newbie newbie newbie. Ha
But now I cant download after paying for the darn thing. Maybe it will work tomorrow.
i had that problem too.... I payed for GPcinema, then when I went to download it, my connection cut off, and I didn't know how to download it. Luckily, I emailed them and they sent it to me by an attachment the next day.
I was looking at their message board for people that have had problems and there are posts from 3 days ago that have been unanswered so I was worried that they where not very quick to help out a person in need,
For people reading I got it to work this morn. It just would not work with AOL internet explorer downloaded the file just fine.